Never mind the fact that if you don't have a regular chain of back-up across multiple systems to counter sabotage or computer failure, you're running a pretty damn sloppy ship.
Never mind the fact that if you don't have a regular chain of back-up across multiple systems to counter sabotage or computer failure, you're running a pretty damn sloppy ship.
Disaster was an unfair choice. I should have said, "My personal rapid disenchantment with the game's content". I paid $60, played for less than two months, and never headed back. I've never had much luck with MMO launches. I always do better coming to the game later after the first few updates have cleaned things up a…
Malia Blaylock? That sounds pretty close to Mookie Blaylock, famous basketball player. Somebody get this guy a 72 hour ban! Kidding...
Google pegged an unauthorized log-in attempt on my account yesterday from China (passwords aren't the same so there was no concern, though I changed it just in case). I wonder if this is a result of that...
Two trains of thought:
...There is a god. Let the ludicrous gibs and guns akimbo commence!
Unless they have fixed the compression, Onlive uses 3 GB per hour in bandwidth to stream HD games. So a standard 250 GB cap means that you can play, at most 83.3 hours of games a month (about 21 hours a week and less than 3 hours a day) if you do absolutely nothing else on your connection. Otherwise, get ready for…
Most journalists gave the game a 3 to 4 star rating and the user reviews are higher than that on Metacritic and Giant Bomb. So possibly the game is just not your cup of tea rather than objectively bad? Or did I just shatter your world by insinuating people have differing opinions?
Gah, I really wish more MMOs would allow lapsed accounts to do these. My go to MMO, LotRO, earns the title because I can continue to make some basic progress when I am not subscribing. Usually it keeps me caught up enough that when I have time I'm more likely to re-sub. I've been gone from SWToR for 4 months. I am not…
More ways games are like porn:
Hey! My TAY picture! Sweet.
Tell what sorcery has allowed you to comment clear from the mid-1990s!
Boom! Done! Check your messages, and hopefully it isn't expired yet. Works for the downloadable collector's edition too.
Posted this earlier today but no one responded, so I'll give it one more stab:
Anyone want a half-off code for TERA? I claimed it from Raptr, but I just don't have time to get sucked into a new MMO.
Mostly, it seems that Blizzard is getting bit in the ass for naively assuming that offering a first-party alternative to the Diablo 2 black market would weaken it. Instead, the hackers and scammers are just given a wider audience and are even more compelled to exploit things. Blizzard enters into an arms race, and the…
Only one of my original six friends who got the game are still playing, but for a variety of reasons. Two got to inferno and got so sick of the elite mob imbalance and grinding that they quit. A few just moved onto other games. I have been too busy with work.
What bugged me about that MMO was that they expected us to believe thousands of players all had a cousin named Collin. Way to break the illusion, guys!
Messaged you the code! Have fun!