Guillermo Jiménez

Well, yes, I guess.

"Get the fuck out of here, Tommy!!"
"THAT MOTHERFUCKER!! I almost had him!!"

A case study in cultural differences:
In the United States, this episode is controversial due to the guns.
Everywhere else, this episode is controversial due to the soccer match.

The Godfather I and II, Apocalypse Now and Bram Stoker's Dracula, right?

Ed Wood the director or "Ed Wood" the Tim Burton movie?

Francis Ford Coppola, anyone?

I get that Burton hit a really bad patch after Sweeney Todd, but most movie sites now pretend that his career up to 2007 didn't happen. And that's just wrong.

When I read Macbeth I found it a little dry. There's nothing really wrong with it, but it didn't jump off the page for me the way Hamlet, King Lear and Othello do. And yet, I kept thinking 'this could work really well on the stage or in a movie with just a little production value, better than in the page'. By the

I can't agree with Alex McCown. As uneven as the latter half of Pearl Jam's self-titled album may be (and I don't really think it is), it finishes up strong thanks to one of their very best songs: "Inside Job".

I know. It might as well have been cancelled completely for those of us in this side of the ocean.
(Please Nintendo, prove me wrong.)

Easy: Mother 3.

"…and in recent years has directed several films in his native Mexico, like the 2014 biopic Cesar Chavez."

Not really. I fell asleep during the primer on the Battle of the Five Armies.

I was under the impression that the Battle of Hogwarts was a fictional event. I had no idea that J.K. Rowling had personally murdered scores of magicians 17 years ago.

I always keep Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Metroid and Metroid Prime nearby. And whenever I'm on Youtube I always play some tracks from the Smash Bros. games.

Well, who doesn't?

This might also help.

To my understanding (and different games have been vague about this), the species itself is named Yoshi, and the individual dinosaur or dinosaurs of this species that the player commands at any given point in the games are named Yoshi too. Not all Yoshis are named Yoshi, though.