Guillermo Jiménez

The Super Mario Bros. 3 credits theme is pretty good, but, like with so many things, Super Mario World does it better.


Not a fun of big, dumb monsters? I was about to list Godzilla too, but didn't.

It is a deeply flawed film. I thought it was hampered by its rumtime. Had it had another hour to go on, they could have made the adjustments necessary to bring it closer in spirit to book and really let it go all out.

That transition from Don't Think to Out of Control knocked me out. And I loved the transition and build up from Swoon to Star Guitar. I was almost in tears.
And amazing, underrated movie.

I too caught most big movies from a couple of years ago in mexican buses and was actually sad that the bus ride in which I saw War Horse for the first time wasn't long enough to watch the whole film through. What I saw was pretty good, but I missed the wire cuttern sequence, which knocks it out of the park.

Haven't seen any of those, and I have high hopes for Narco Cultura.

Come to think of it, yes, it does.

It didn't leave much of a mark, to be honest. I enjoyed it a lot in the moment but I didn't have the impact that The New World and The Tree of Life definitely had, specially the ending of the former and the creation sequence in the latter.

Ah, right.
I loved To the Wonder the only time I saw it, even if it feels somewhat slight compared to The Tree of Life and, specially, The New World.


Wasn't it one of the last reviews he wrote? Or the very last?

Escape 700 is, paraphrasing the previous commenter, THE SHIT.

All hear for Joey the war hero!! Huzzah!!

'Lincoln' did make it. It's in there somewhere in the 100-51 part.

I'd written this below, but here it goes again:

It's a surprisingly coherent movie, consistent to both Luhrmann and Fitzgerald. It all comes together in the last moment of DiCaprio's performance to me.

You're welcome. It's a blast. The footage of the crowd is insane.

Neither. I'm referring to the amazing concert film they taped at Japan in 2011, released in 2012. Found it on TV one day at random, tried to watch it for only a couple of minutes and ended up dancing in my living room through the whole thing.