Guillermo Jiménez

That's alright. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. Wished more people had gotten into the guessing game though.

Same here. My favorite column along with A History of Violence.

I want to live in that world.

I got real giddy as I read the article, because either the pick for 2003 would be The Rundown, or something even better than The Rundown.

I'm somewhat disappointed that The Nerdwriter made a full video on the Blade Runnet soundtrack yet didn't mention how eerily similar the melody in the love scene is to the one in 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You'.

"I can’t help but wonder what version of this story would work."

That's pretty much right.


Couldn't not list PTA's masterpiece. 😊

I didn't, but I've never seen it.

And Anthony Minghella himself was British. Kubrick was pretty much an honorary British person by that point.

I loved it. I've seen many better movies since, but that one is still my favorite.

I didn't. I just haven't seen it.

I sure didn't. And the funny thing is, I actually loved it in 1999.

Same here.

Funny thing is, as anonymous as 1999 was in terms of non-Matrix Hollywood action movies, it was an otherwise fantastic year for american movies: Fight Club, Eyes Wide Shut, Magnolia, Bringing Out the Dead, Sleepy Hollow, The Sixth Sense, The Green Mile, Toy Story 2, Being John Malkovich, The Blair Witch Project, The

What is this!? No "Next time"!? No cryptic clue for us to guess next month's pair!? What is going on!? Does this mean the end of Together Again?

Holy shit. I'd have never seen it.

That description would apply well for Depp and Burton (an inevitable topic for this column at some point, I'd say), but only for the first 8 or 10 years of their partnership. It's hard to see Depp as a good-luck charm at any point after that.

"No one wants to… fight monsters on a ghost ship or shoot fire in the face of disembodied heads."