Guillermo Jiménez



Good enough for me.

Barry Levinson and Robin Williams. Not a sure shot but I need to sleep now. I'll try again in the morning.

""A current director goes five for five with his favorite actor."

I hadn't thought of Blade Runner 2049 as a blockbuster until now (the original quite wasn't, mostly due to bad timing) but yeah, pairing Villeneuve with Roger Deakins is very promising.

He didn't. Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2 were done by Eduardo Serra, and very well-done too, not too far from what Delbonnel brought to Half-Blood Prince.

Lest we forget: thanks to Bruno Delbonnel Half-Blood Prince has the best cinematography of any Hollywood blockbuster of the last 15 years.

Fair enough, though "lizard-brain" seems excessive.

I thought the same thing. It's a bad habit that many good critics pick up but doesn't help in any way.

"…in an era of lizard-brain space opera…"

I thought the character of Ultron was poorly executed, but Spader did ace the voice.

I'd put Jeff Bridges' Stane and Hugo Weaving's Red Skull in as villains who made an impression, but killing them off after only one movie was a mistake. Ejiofor's Mordo is promising for a sequel.

Glass!? Who gives a shit about glass!? Who the fuck is this!?

I take it that "five for five" not only means "five in a row" but that all five movies from the director include the actor. That's why I'm going with Shannon/Nichols.

My first guess is Jeff Nichols and Michael Shannon… except their fifth movie together hasn't come up yet, though it screened at Cannes. Could be.

You got it, sir.

Me neither.

Desierto came out here in México months ago. To be honest and brief: no, it wasn't good.