Guillermo Jiménez

What about El Gran Silencio's 'Super Riddim Internacional Vol. 1'? We are still waiting for Volume 2.

A moment of sincerity: I'm actually excited about this.

The Chemical Brothers - "Star Guitar"

He likely did that on purpose.

Aúpa Atleti.

Please don't send Arsenal fans into a misery trip by reminding them of Highbury. Today is actually a good day for the Gunners.

Zero Suit Samus, then Samus, Peach and Olimar. Haven't played the new ones, but I'm looking forward to playing with Little Mac.

The spirit of Roger Ebert gives this article a thumb down.

The A.V. Club.

Goes by too fast. Point to Jackson.

My god, you're right. I hadn't noticed since Eva Green still looks the same. That is, wildly gorgeous.

What about 'The Dreamers'? WHAT ABOUT 'THE DREAMERS'?

Does this signal (pun intended) the return of 'OBJECT IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR'?

There was also the Pokemon Master Trainer board game back in the late 90s, which I may have played as many times as real Pokemon. It actually carried many mechanics from the games themselves into board game form. It was fun if you could get enough Pokemon fans in the same room, which back then was way too easy.

Does this include 'Siete Noches (Seven Nights)'?

Man, that picture brought back a lot of memories from 'Do the Right Thing'. You can feel the love pouring out of those two in that movie. R.I.P.

I agree, and see what you did there.

Perhaps, but I don't see them doing it. Somebody has already pointed out that it could happen here, as a "For Our Consideration" piece.
Personally, I've got my eye on the Indiewire family.

Perhaps, but I don't see them doing it. Somebody has already pointed out that it could happen here, as a "For Our Consideration" piece.
Personally, I've got my eye on the Indiewire family.

Somewhere, some film writer is starting work on a think-piece about how basic cable channels need to lay off on running this movie so damn much. To be posted soon on one the internet's more 'brainy' film sites. Mark my words.