
I’m a Yankee fan who last attended a Yankee game at Yankee Stadium, Sunday, August 18, 1996. They played the Seattle Mariners that day and lost in extra innings 13-12. What I remember most about that game is I saw Ken Griffey Jr. in his prime playing...that swing...I will never forget it till the day I die. That said,

I could not give two fucks less what the person sitting next to me paid for a ticket to a sporting event, much less a Baseball game.

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

The idea that successfully holding down a job and making rent entitles you to complete freedom from perceiving the unhappiness of others is so breathtakingly narcissistic.

For real. My jaw dropped reading that line. What a fucking clueless douche of the highest degree.

“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”

I dont get it.. If footage was shown on U.S. news Chanels of U.S. forces using Cluster bombs on a occupied city, all hell would break lose. Does your average Russian not ever see this, or do they just not give a shit?

While it is quite possible that some of the insanity we’ve seen to date is mere fabrication and propaganda designed to rah-rah the good ole US of A... I doubt its all smoke and mirrors. I know the US isn’t innocent... Any decent American knows we wade about boot deep in blood through our history. But the crap going on

Putin is one crazy, rabid squirrel. That said, we’ve got Saudi’s and Turks playing chicken with a guy whose so chock full of nuts he’d let off his wad just to prove he was virile. If World War broke out, Russia would be forced to engage with a full nuclear first strike. They never had the fall-back capacity of the US,

I still maintain that all of this had its roots in the colonial vestige Sykes Picot agreement that laid the groundwork for partitioning Syria and Iraq along boundaries that do not represent the social and religious factions in the Mideast.

Britain and France did float a plan to send supplies to Finland. Even if it was just cover for an occupation of Sweden’s iron mines along the way Finland would have still gotten a supply line. But Sweden and Norway insisted on their neutrality, the Winter War ended, and Germany headed off a more direct invasion of

It goes even deeper than that. Finland was a stateless nation well into the 19th century, having endured centuries of domination by ethnic Swedes. Finns were a second class majority in their own homeland. Their language, cultural traditions, and even physical appearance were singled out as “primitive.” The

Finland had good reason not to put too much faith in either NATO or the Soviets during the Cold War. Recall that Great Britain broke its pre-war promise to aid Finland in the event of war with the USSR. When the Soviets invaded, Finland requested aid from the western powers, and none came. Finland made do with what

Team America explained this way better. ;)

Right? I just don’t get where the need to attack these types of shows before they even launch is stemming from. We’re a car loving community that is constantly talking about the lack of good car shows, yet the moment anyone tries to make one (or in this case, restart one) we lash out claim we won’t even watch the show

Another thing that could help make the Hammond-ish dynamic work is the fact that he’s American. That’ll give the others something to harass him with, even if it is low-hanging fruit (just like Hammond’s height was).

Exactly! I’m not sure why everyone seems so worried about this. The new Top Gear will NOT be the old Top Gear, and that is totally ok. Let the new hosts feel it out for the first season, and inevitably make something great out of it. I for one can’t wait to see Leblanc in this new role, he’s going to be amazing! All

I am one of the tired few that transcend the Seinfeld/Friends line in the sand. I love them both, more for different reasons, but nonetheless, I love them both.

I’ll give them as much support as I did the last Top Gear, which means I’ll steal it from the internet and never ever pay the £145.50 television licence fee.