
I showed my ex-gf a picture of Manute Bol on the court and she refused to believe it wasn’t photoshopped until I showed her several follow-ups.

he looks like when me when i play against a group of 5-year-olds on the Fisher Price Basketball Goal.

[inside delivery room]

Not one to be outdone, LaVar Ball has decided that his next child will be named LaBall Ball.

Finally Oregon wins a meaningful Bol game.

I take him at his word. Bol don’t lie.

I’ve only ever done a 50-miler, but I can confirm that ultras are more mental than they are physical. If you’re going to be serious about doing one, you train so much that the physical aspect is not such a big deal. It’s when you’re sitting at mile 30 (or in her case, mile 60 or so), that your mind starts to fuck with

Depends on how you define “politics”.

dude ain’t having it with the muslim ban, either...

Yes. Politics in everything. People who say they aren’t political or don’t care for politics get a giant eye roll from me.

I can’t stand dumbasses who say they don’t want to hear about politics while watching sports or movies or music or whatever medium. There’s always going to be some message of social justice/civil rights in everything, even sports because it’s part of LIFE.

Horse people are usually terrible people.

I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.

It’s the single best stroke in the history of the sport, the skeleton key to all the various puzzles its wielder faces.

Wow. Great post. One additional observation - he masks the intention of that serve so well. On all four of those serves in the video, Berdych has no idea where the ball is going until it’s way too late. Damn.

Until they remove the door handles and charge you $10k extra for fireproof straps to replace them Porsche owners will remained unimpressed.