
Excellent story. I cant even imagine what he went thru. In 1994 I was sent to Ft. Benning GA to attend the US Army Airborne school. Shortly after I arrived I was told there are two worlds. On base and off base. Off base meaning the world of Colombus GA and the area around the base. There was a printed list of

Can’t speak towards 4-wheeled motorsport but on 2 there is definitely a stronger representation. There’s always a good number of black privateers in road races. Back when I was still motocrossing, I remember seeing tons of black kids in the 80cc/125cc classes, usually with their whole family there cheering em on.

This is a truly amazing story, especially given the years and locales he was racing.

They’re still fighting the civil war, and always will be.

I wonder when NASCAR will have another African American race at it’s highest level?

Damn fine story.

When you think about what race car driving was then, this is incredible.

No big deal. But, at the same time, this is where high energy non-visible lasers come in handy.

How about we buy NO MORE OF ANY OF THEM, and spend that money on a particle accelerator/collider better than the LHC, a SYSTEM OF LARGE optical/electromagnetic telescopes (both space and Earth-based), space exploration and space vehicles, medical research, and funding, and a new space station that will fulfill the

The main reason they’re going to replace the radar: it and the ECM suite interfere with each other. That’s right, when the B-1 turns on the jammer, it jams itself. It’s been a known issue since the type entered service.

Hate to sound like Grampa McGitovmilayn here, but stuff like this really fucks over the rest of us who just want to play with our off-road toys in peace.

I wonder if Kannell realizes that if the Patriots return the favor, Peyton Manning might actually die.

Going from SVP to this dipshit is like going from the 1997 Marlins to the end-of-98 Marlins.

Lol you’d get wrecked by the guys playing on these teams. Halo is all about skill. Landing every shot, perfect movement, total map control. Sad how ridiculous some people are around here.

All I know is that they had no problem using the hype train to declare their game as some kind of milestone in the history of gaming. They set a standard before launch that players have continuously held them to.

The Battle of Khafji also featured a little-known naval component:

Dad was a corpsman. His entire career was spent attached to various Corps infantry units, instructed at MWTC, etc. Until he got orders to NHOH on NASWI. When the balloon went up and the word for volunteers went out, he did so much to my mom’s ire. He was assigned to a naval hospital unit just outside of, wouldn’t you

Watching the doc, thanks for the link....