
It’s not a given.  Naming a pandemic after the place it emerged is factual.

Calling it the “china virus” or “wuhan virus” is racist. That’s a given.

When you use the word racism incorrectly, it looses all it’s sting. This virus is from China, it’s from Chinese wet markets, it happened because the Chinese don’t care about things like sanitation and don’t handle food properly. It got to the point it has because they believe in “traditional medicine” instead of

The manner in which Trump is using it is racist. Calling it the Wuhan Virus or Chinese virus in and of itself however is not. Diseases and Viruses are often named after the person or location they originated from. That holds true whether it be a river in the congo (Ebola) or the entire country of Germany (German

The manner in which Trump is using it is racist. Calling it the Wuhan Virus or Chinese virus in and of itself however is not. Diseases and Viruses are often named after the person or location they originated from. That holds true whether it be a river in the congo (Ebola) or the entire country of Germany (German

While being afraid of foreigners, because you think they might carry a virus or not, is pretty stupid, there is no denying that the way some Chinese citizens live their lives leaves the door open for new virus to make the jump from a wild animal to humans.

Let’s get real for a minute. I work for a top ten research university. I’m currently helping triage COVID-19 calls. The scientific community is almost exclusively using Covid-19 and technically that is what it should be called. However so many diseases/viruses are nicknamed from where they came. Trump is a dumbass

It’s not racist to point out that viruses if this sort stem from communities where people eat pangolin and bush meat.

  The chinese hate you more.  They don't feel the need for your whiny PC bullshit.  Go back.

ITs not an idea that this virus started in China its a fucking fact.

Its not an idea that the virus started in China it's a fucking fact.

Your Chinese Overlords will be pleased.

Academics and outlets like theroot aren’t saying this because they are paid by the Chinese or even really that they’re just reflexively anti-Trump.

It’s for the same reason they obscured how AIDS spread: progressivism is the system of denying where problems come from.

This is the same reason they obscure things like

That sounds cheap. I think tickets near me are more like $16-$18.

I’m an older Milennial and I rarely have cash. If I have a $20, it’s because I bought someone lunch and they paid me back. Inevitably, I’ll pass that same $20 back to the person for something else in a week or two.

Most people dont carry cash anymore. Or if you’re splitting a dinner bill and it’s an odd amount like 34.72 per person. Just send it in an app.

You would have to start transitioning via HRT at like, age 6 in order to negate all the biological advantages..which would naturally be insane. By the age of 12-15 testosterone has pretty much had an irreversible effect on your biological makeup i.e. muscle mass, bone density, fast twitch muscle fiber.

And I’m comfortable embracing being a terf apparently. I don’t see many, if any, “shitty-ass takes” in the comments. I see alot of acknowledging transwomen’s humanity while also acknowledging the biological facts of athletic competition based on differing hormones. If not letting trans-maniacs (a new term I will

The advantage is scientifically proven. It’s a fact, not a supposition. If a trans woman hasn’t been on HRT for a significant time, she has a meaningful biological advantage. It’s why these CT runners have such an obvious advantage, but it’s the same reason that Serena Williams loses in straight sets to the

It’s hard to get onboard with this take, having been a competitive athlete. It would be kind of the same feeling as lining up against someone who’s been doping—it doesn’t feel fair in a different way than them having more money, better coaching, better genetics, etc etc. might feel unfair. It’s just not comparable. I