
I tried to think of something anyone has said at work that offended me, and came up blank...

I had pretty bad tendinitis in my elbows a few years ago. Look into cissus quadrangularis and voodoo bands. I was back to doing pullups in a matter of weeks.

Rest day? It really depends on what sort of exercise you are doing, but when I hit something really hard, I will give it a week to recover. My workouts are probably not like your workouts, though.

Yes! Indirectly. I get it through my Music subscription. I enjoy watching YouTube without ads, but I’ve never watched any of the Red content. Haven’t seen any that looked appealing at all.

How come this never happens at my job?

Sort of related: What can be done about keeping neighbors’ cats OUT of my yard? I have neighbors who think it’s appropriate for their pets to roam all over the neighborhood. Their cats come in at night and destroy plants and shit all over the place. I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to shoot them.

I’m torn between it looking pretty cool and it being evidence that your jeep just got run over.

I hear you. It’s just that in this case syrup, ice, whiskey isn’t any faster than sugar, bitters, whiskey, ice. I often batch cocktails ahead of time, but for this one I wouldn’t bother unless I was going to be serving 100s of them at a party or something.

4) Run away.

This is probably the best cocktail advice I’ve seen on here.

I love a rye old fashioned as well, but that sounds like a whole lot of work for something I can make as needed in under a minute.


“As the non-existence of a god or gods cannot be proven (any more than the existence of a god or gods can be proven), Atheism is just as much a religious belief as Theism.”

Agnosticism is a pointless position to pretend to have. Either you believe in god(s) or you don’t. If you “aren’t sure,” “don’t know,” or “don’t care,” then you do not believe. Believers are sure. That’s what belief is. If you don’t believe, you are atheist. It couldn’t be more simple. You don’t have to be sure there

That’s it, though. It isn’t really nothingness. Everything else still exists and keeps going, except you aren’t a part of it.

Agreed. Not just about death, but perspective on life and the world in general.

Except (and accept) that you don’t have to contemplate nothingness, because you’ll never experience it—you’ll be dead.

I don’t really think about it, but if I had to I’d think of it like the plug being pulled on a tv. The the picture is goes out, the signal is gone, and that’s it. Except that you don’t get to plug the tv back in... Maybe it’s not a good analogy.

This. McDouble > Big Mac. Plus, you can get two or three McDoubles for the price of one BM.

I’m not sure I’ve ever read anything less true on the internet. The classic Big Mac is two woefully insufficient patties buried in a pile of buns and shredded lettuce. Way, way too much bread for the amount of meat. Awful.