
Oh sweet jesus, You can't find anything wrong with it but you want us to? Does everything have to be up for debate now a days? It's fine, everything is not cultural appropriation.

from another angle

I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized

Before I read it, I was like, "That looks like a lobster." Guess I'm just classy and not vulgar. You fucks.

I thought that it got beaten enough already.

If I'm being a tad more realistic, I'd buy a used 911 C2S like this. It has the Powerkit, PASM, PDCC, PDK, model delete, LED lights, and that's about it. Pretty basic.

Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.

Subaru Outback/Forester

The Prius. Early buyers may have been gloating douchebags but all current buyers I've come in contact with purchased them because of the fuel economy.

Would the BMW i8 count? That has a 3cyl turbo

Ugh, your comment is so unbearable!

I see the resemblance.

looks like a mini with Ness' cap

Whenever I see one of those from a long way away, I get so excited, then super pissed when I realize it's just another Ford.

Aston Martin

A cousin of mine and I lit our farts on fire once when we were fourteen or fifteen. That seemed stupid enough at the time, and that was back in the mid 90's.

I know I'm getting old, but damn—are the kids already setting themselves on fire, rather than my lawn?