
Yeah. Someone should get on the phone and tell the Honda engineers they don’t know what they are doing. Ok, you first.

Nothing says “self confident” like a man who judges himself based on the jeans other people wear. And his own leg size.

Nothing says “self confident” like a man who judges himself based on the jeans other people wear. And his own leg

What a bold suggestion

What a bold suggestion

I bet you call your kid a “pussy,” don’t you?

I bet you call your kid a “pussy,” don’t you?

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

I pretty much agree with what HamNo wants, but continue to disagree with his pitch of how to achieve it. Trying to make a moral argument, as we just saw in November, does not work!

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

Everyone is richer than someone else. Unless you’re Warren Buffett.

On-demand hot water? as in, a tankless water heater? What am I missing?

This was my experience too. My grandparents paid for me to go to an expensive school. We were definitely comfortable but I didn’t realize exactly where we stood until I went to college and befriended both people who own 7 homes and people who have been helping pay their parents electricity bills since they were 16.

Ha! I was just going to say, the only people who say “money is strange” are out of touch rich people.

Thanks for the explainer. Everyone but you has been pronouncing it ‘see-oh,’ and wondering what the hell it means, innit? You must be very grown up. 

I’m of the mentality that companies should be free to compensate employees as they deem necessary.

Word. I also expect that in HamNo’s ideal world, as in mine, those more realistically paid CEOs would more frequently reflect the actual composition of the broader population in their genders, races, socio-economic backgrounds, etc. And that “competence” is redefined in everyone’s subconscious to not automatically

I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.

“Your ideal world is weird.”

Yeah, this is how you end up disappearing in the ocean or slammed into the side of a mountain at full burn...

They just inflate another one

That’s all just special effects, not a view from inside the actual device.