
Considering what you're getting, even with the price increase the Corvette is still a bargain.

Fear government!

The sled seems very stable at speed. Throw-in some curves and cars pulling sleds coming in the opposite direction and then you have something comrade.

I'm amazed anyone would care enough to view the tweet in the first place (let alone re-tweet it). A poignant social commentary.

Expensive, highly speculative, likely to fail....I'm surprised the obama regime hasn't poured billions of taxpayer dollars into the venture.


Not all the aircraft in the Davis-Monthan boneyard are left to rot. Many are mothballed very carefully so if the need arises they could be put back into service.

Good stuff!

I'm glad to see this wonderful laser technology is finally being deployed in real world applications. As the obama regime seeks to further eviscerate our military and degrade our national security capabilities every little 'advantage' helps.

Kudos to Hennessey! That said to call a heavily modified Lotus running a built GM engine (custom made by an independent performance shop) a "production" car is IMO a bit of a stretch.

Awesome...thanks for sharing!

I was going to say Mitt Romney did a stellar job running the 2002 Olympics. I agree, Mitt would have done an excellent job running the country versus what we have now.

You can thank (blame) the obama regime for the reductions in our military acquisitions and national defense spending. In the face of an expanding Chinese military, worldwide Islamic terrorism, regional conflicts, et cetera entitlement spending (i.e. buying votes), expanding government and increasing government

Gorgeous imagery....well done!

I don't live on either coast of the USA. Here in the southwestern 'heartland' we have both white and brown eggs....'cage free' and enslaved.

The fact that the tower was still landing planes with those wind sheers is even more amazing than the pilot's skill. That was a lot of stress for the landing gear and tires to absorb. Definitely one of those landings where you're lucky to walk-away in one piece.

Although the German BMW seems to have a better 'ring' to it for bobsled technology (your 'humor' notwithstanding) the American company General Motors IMO would be an excellent choice as well. GM/Chevrolet/Corvette is well-respected for its performance engineering, its considerable experience in carbon

Not exactly surprising.....the so-called 'politically correct' air-brushed the trademark cigar out of Winston Churchill's hand. hilary clinton was Photoshopped out of the 'Bin Laden' Situation Room photo. NBC rigged a GM truck gas tank to explode and burn for their expose. Our own regime alters images to suit their

A solo ascent without so much as a single lifeline.....why?

My sincere condolences....I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a parent, especially your Mother is rough. My thoughts and prayers are with you.