
Chances are, the cables are also compromised by the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans, the Japanese, the French, et cetera. It would be naïve to think otherwise.

Then the cops will try to prove intent....he intended to street race. The cops always have something they can charge a person with (no matter how obscure or inapplicable) if they want to screw someone. They can even dream-up a new charge weeks after the incident. That being said I imagine Beiber's attorney's will

Considering NASA program and funding cutbacks and after obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden that his highest priority should be "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world..." it's almost surprising NASA has any real vision remaining.

Yeah, and they usually tell you how amazing they are. Whether it was bravery or stupidity I admit, the pilot in the video punched-out at the last possible second.

....and I thought apple customers were all so 'savvy.' I use an iphone but I'm not an apple fan. I went into an apple store once in my life.....the 'cool' was so overwhelming I literally fled within a minute (without whatever it was I was looking for). I recall reading an insider article about working at an apple

I admire the artist's considerable talent....the finished works are stunning. I appreciate various artistic styles but I especially like photo-realism. I wonder in real-time, for instance, how long it took the artist to finish the Heinz Baked Beans can? Good stuff!

When I was young we used to suck an egg into a glass milk bottle with a burning piece of paper inside the bottle. Seems kind of passé now.

Yes, we should let Snowden back into the country.....and then lock him up! Irrespective of his motives or whether any of the information leaked was in the 'public interest' the man deceived and lied from the get-go. He obligated himself to confidentiality under false pretenses. IMO your word is your bond....if you

Considering the (IMO) unwarranted negative reaction to Windows 8 re-emphasizing the more traditional desktop seems like a wise move. On a touch screen Surface Pro I didn't find Windows 8 so horrible (and I came to appreciate its many under-the-hood improvements). After using it in stock trim for a good while I

Survival of the's nature.

No disrespect to the great Star Wars franchise, the brilliance of George Lucas and his special effects team but some 'special effects' in the movies (using scale models) looked pretty hokey. One I vividly recall was when a fighter was crashing it was obviously a small model sliding on a wire. Again, no disrespect

Stunningly beautiful images.....well done! Although this past year has been somewhat tamer than usual, southern Arizona is known for having some spectacular storms and displays of lightning. I could be wrong but I vaguely recall a national 'lightning research' organization was headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. I used

I believe some of the Formula 1 teams are already able to 'print' certain carbon fiber components trackside. A wonderful technology with practical applications.

An unsolicited testimonial on the Corvette LS2 power's got performance right out of the box and more than decent fuel economy. On certain legs of an Interstate trip I averaged over 30 mpg! Not too shabby for a high performance Corvette. The newer Corvette engines have improved, on all fronts, even

Poor John DeLorean....our wonderful government set him up and conned him all the way in a contrived drug deal. That crime would have never existed if the government didn't create it! I'm all for the government catching criminals but I don't feel our government should be in the business of creating crimes and making

I've seen truck commercials I liked better and I've seen many others that were far, far worse. I'm not sure how effective the spot will be but I didn't think it was all that bad. In fact, for those who actually use a 'heavy duty' truck for utility I feel the ad will have some appeal. I own a big, beastly truck (and

Good stuff! I think the seats in the bed of the truck were originally done to lessen the import tax....with the rear seats the small truck changed to a different classification (and a lower tax for the manufacturer).

"...Here's hoping the V6 Turbo engine sounds better." They don't....IMO the new, smaller, forced induction engines for 2014 sound absolutely limp compared with the naturally aspirated V8 and V12 Formula 1 power plants of yesteryear.

"Just when you thought the 2014 Formula-1 season couldn't get more exciting." Exciting....really? With the sewing machine size, whiny sounding, forced induction engines and needless 'green' hybrid tech "exciting" isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe Formula 1 racing for 2014. Considering the trend of Formula 1

I want our military to have the best of everything. That said this vehicle giveaway represents a massive waste of taxpayer (our) money and it gives the regime a perfect way to further militarize 'civilian' police departments across the country. The ever-expanding grip of government control just got a little tighter.