
We all have different tastes but to say Formula E is “...the most exciting racing series...” is a gross exaggeration. Listening to Formula E gearboxes whine has all the appeal of listening to a dentist’s drill for an hour. I’m an avid amateur road racer and a Formula 1 fan. I’m glad the greens got their own racing

How hillary dealt with her email is but one example of her deceit and scheming arrogance. As Secretary of State hillary directed all State Department employees to use the government email system for all official, State Department email correspondence. As hillary didn't adhere to her own 'directive' she obviously felt

I realize that first and foremost Jeremy Clarkson is (or was) an entertainer playing to a largely 'Euro' audience. Despite my interest in pretty much all things automotive, Jeremy Clarkson is the reason I stopped watching Top Gear. I always found Clarkson to be abrasive, obnoxious and arrogant. I don't know, there's

I respect your opinion but you try riding a motorcycle (even at a crawl) and have an automobile literally pin you against a cement wall and see if you feel 'life-threatened.' I'm against lane-splitting by motorcycles but whatever transpired in that encounter I can't believe what the LEO did is accepted police

I'd be more concerned with the 'painful' looking submarine strap. I'm sure there's method to their madness but its unlike any that I've ever used.

I'm pleased so-called green racing finally has a dedicated venue of its own...Formula E. Maybe now Formula 1 will slow its incessant imposition of needless, gimmicky, green technology into their race cars. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for 'green' technology and the potential benefits it may provide. I don't feel,

I'm an avid, amateur road racer. I don't condone illegal street racing. While racing in a straight line is not what I'm into I appreciate and admire drag racing. I enjoy watching Street Outlaws and I realize it's a scripted program purely for entertainment. It's obvious the big, Top Ten List races are not being

IMO lane-splitting is inherently dangerous and presents a needless, elevated level of risk.. Legalizing a needlessly dangerous practice is inherently stupid (which is not surprising considering it's the government). Suppose a car driver opens his door (while stopped in a line of traffic) and a lane-splitting

This was not an innocent act by the Secretary of State hillary clinton. This was a shrewdly calculated act designed to shield her political aspirations from potentially damaging email correspondence. clinton, her staff and political gurus certainly knew her actions were not in compliance with official protocol and

Do you have a lock on the door where you live?

Try submitting false information to a cop and see what happens. Video record a cop and see what happens. When the 'playing field' becomes a bit more level the cops don't like it. Sadly, submitting false information isn't much of a stretch for some cops. I don't use Waze and I consider myself a law-abiding driver. I

Virtually all the 'technology' I use works quite well. That said I'll choose those crappy CFL light bulbs as the most broke-ass technology I use daily (in only one household lamp). Leave it to our broke-ass government to force this 'green' crap down our throats. After seeing the inferior quality of light produced by

Yet another example of what a monster government has become. Government steals our money, our privacy and evidently they can even steal our identity itself. Government controls every aspect of our lives and their choke-hold on us tightens every day (and sadly without a shred of fiscal common sense). The monster must

I doubt anyone is surprised by this. If history is any guide, the release of our personal information is trivial compared to what will be the epic disaster of government controlled health care.

"Paris....Future City Is Even More Beautiful." To each their own but I couldn't disagree more. IMO that rendering of Paris is visually, historically and aesthetically's an abomination!

You're probably right. Whether or not there's sufficient (genuine) consumer demand and irrespective that the project won't be economically viable it's California where image is everything….full speed ahead! Despite promises that the $8 Billion already spent on rail lines would lessen traffic congestion in LA it hasn't

For safety they'll probably use tire chains too.

"...why I love the Corvette C5/6/7R cars. They sound like a race car thundering around at Le Mans." Exactly, the Corvette Racing cars (as one author put it) are "The Gods of V8 Thunder." I agree, Corvette Racing fields perhaps the best sounding race cars going. Like a Ferrari, their signature sound is unmistakable.

Swamp gas.

What the Agency could or couldn't do two years ago is ancient's old and cold. If Snowden's revelations are relied on it only serves to provide a false sense of security. Going further, if the popular narrative is accurate Edward Snowden is either a national hero or an honor-less traitor. Although I lean