
No photograph to offer but I certainly have a fair amount of old, unused cables, chargers, DSL filters, et cetera stored in a large file cabinet drawer. They're not all neatly labeled but it's not a tangled mess either. I purge a few things from time to time but I figure it's best to save things. Situations arise

Granted, smartphones provide amazing, beneficial capabilities and have become virtually essential in today's society. That said I think it would do everyone good to disconnect for a period of time every once in a while. So many people are 'addicted' to their smartphones to the exclusion of other things in life. My

I think your comment pretty much reinforces and validates Byron's conclusion. I value information about opposing viewpoints before deciding where I stand on an issue. I would hardly suggest not watching MSNBC, the Huffington Post, Media Matters or the major network 'mainstream' media as doing anyone or the country "a

I don't wish any bicycle rider to be creamed by a car but I agree with a whole bike riders are perhaps the most inconsiderate, dangerous, hazards on our public roads. The favoritism shown to the small minority of bike riders by our oh-so-green local governments is an injustice to the vast motoring public.

Under the circumstances, I can well understand Mr./Ms. (?) Manning trying to spin his actions into some noble act. That said he/she took an oath when joining the Service. It's an old adage but still valid....your word is your bond. He/she readily admits he knew his actions were wrong and in violation of law. His/her

It looks like it'll blend-in well with the surrounding architecture. I'm all for more affordable, efficient, pre-fabricated housing but IMHO some consideration should be given to the existing, surrounding environment. IMO there should be at least some minimal level of architectural conformity. Otherwise, it becomes

My primary desktop machine is constantly backing-up onto an external hard drive. On occasion, I also use a secondary external hard drive to backup and store information on. I make periodic full system disc images for emergency backup purposes. From time to time I simply archive data on optical media....DVD's and

I greatly admire Steve Wozniak, the many contributions he made and especially his frank 'post apple' comments and insights. Woz strikes me as a likable, 'genuine' person. While not being critical of your comment I'm not so sure Woz was speaking "with good intentions for all." Woz writes with thought and diplomacy but

Car salesman ranked below congressmen? I would have thought that a dead heat?

Like with any car I'll reserve final judgment until I see and drive it but offhand (based on what I see here), I like it. Sure, I probably could nitpick a couple things but the overall look and 'feel' appeals to has clean, elegant lines coupled with a 'sporty' stance. With a 500hp twin-turbo V8 and likely a

"...MS *kind* of deserves it for the way they designed parts of WP8." That seems like bogus reasoning to me. On it's face google's action (disabling the Microsoft You-Tube app and their demand for a unilateral HTML5 platform by MSFT) demonstrates how petty and mean-spirited they truly are. I had thought MSFT and

Sadly, that's exactly what our own government does....besides simply wanting and seizing ever more of our hard-earned money to further government expansion and control, they use increased taxation as a way to needlessly hurt and punish Americans to obtain the desired behavior or effects they deem best for us. Consider

I don’t fully agree with your premise. The lexicon evolves but IMO there’s something emotionally and intellectually satisfying about turning pages and reading a printed book. I value my modest library of printed books and for me they cannot be completely replaced in digital form. Although somewhat dated, I still

"The NSA monitors 1.6% of the world's Internet traffic..." Yeah, so says the NSA. In a business where secrecy, misinformation and deception are de rigueur suffice it to say I'm skeptical.

....and don't forget the soft faraday cage for your 'smart' credit cards (in your wallet) and a disguise to prevent the facial recognition cameras from identifying you. Smart trash cans are a bit much. Can't wait for the smart urinals and toilets.

Is anyone truly surprised the government is monitoring, analyzing and saving our every communication? The size and scope of government has increased throughout history and under the current administration it’s literally gone off the chart. Government expansion and intrusion into our lives is increasing daily. Using

Good stuff....many of the brands were easy enough to guess but the country of origin wasn't quite so easy. It seems the corporate logo makers are, for the most part, doing their job maintaining corporate/product identity no matter which language one speaks.

I can appreciate the 'homework' Ashton Kutcher did to portray Steve Jobs but there's just something about Ashton Kutcher I can't stand (and I don't exactly know why). I'm not exactly a Steve Jobs worshipper either. The Steve Jobs movie won't be on my list of must-see movies but I'm sure I'll watch it when it's

The elevator fiasco aside, I wonder if the bottom 20 stories possess a sufficient structural integrity to support the added-on 27 stories?

Chemical light 'sticks' or old school flashlights (with a supply of spare batteries) are emergency go-to options as well. A flashlight powered by a hand-crank (which never require batteries) is a great emergency backup light source as well. At least a candle or your jug lamp will produce a superior quality light