
Anytime you have testosterone, motorized anything and likely alcohol involved you know good things will follow. I learn something new everyday....I've never seen or heard of skid-plate racing or the later mentioned Pig N Ford racing. Good stuff....more than all-American fun. I'm sure there are variations in other

That blows! You'd think a large flatbed hauler would have had a winch but I'm guessing this was a DIY tow job. If the truck wouldn't run and lacking a winch on the trailer I would have called a professional towing company and let them deal with it (you know they'll have a winch on a flatbed). Even a tow truck with a

Good stuff....the P1 is simply awesome. I would have preferred seeing Jensen wind it out on a proper road course but even on a narrow, country road the car sounds incredible. Maybe little kids in America think the Corvette is the fastest car in the world because it's probably the most common performance car they see

A per day rental rate of $5,000 for a Rolls-Royce or $25,000 for a Veyron seems reasonable to me. Does that include insurance? lol Even if I had the disposable income to afford such excess it's hard for me to imagine being so wealthy that such sums are virtually meaningless. More power to whoever can afford to pay

Seriously? I may drink coffee in a restaurant (with breakfast or dinner) but I don't drink coffee in a coffee house (I avoid places like Starbucks like the plague). In America, drivers including myself often drink coffee and other beverages while driving (many Americans have been known to actually eat in their cars as

It wouldn't be my assault weapon of choice but the attributes of the AK (both good and bad) are legendary. Without question the AK47 has a special place in is an amazing firearm. Some old design weapons stand the test of time quite well. There are others to be sure but the Colt M1911 .45 caliber pistol

I'm an avid, amateur road racer running a modified Corvette C6. Most past generations of the Corvette didn't do anything for me but starting with the C6 I felt Corvette finally got their act together. Although the C7's exterior (with emphasis on the rear end) lacks the 'clean' lines of the C6, by all accounts the C7

Adding insult to injury it doesn't look like the car ever got washed.

It's an abomination....even in Toontown.

Face it, the government (the elected officials and bureaucrats) that run it are fiscally incompetent. The government screws-up almost everything they have a hand in....from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, most of the co-called 'green' technology companies they speculate in, the Postal

I'll assume the woman had a justifiable reason to bitch. After my oldest son convinced me to buy an iphone, I once ventured into an apple store. Inside, the throngs of 'Applites' had flocked to the alter. Not unlike the Scientology Center, immediately upon entering I felt the eyes of the apple cheerleaders following

In the obama regime's vast expansion of government the dysfunction of the State Department's Office of Cyber Security seems consistent with most branches and agencies of government. By and large government is a bloated, intrusive, wasteful and ever-expanding monster that needs to be scaled-back in scope and size.

Restoring and 'fixing' a flawed old photo does take time. For the past month or so I've been scanning and saving hundreds of old family photos and saving them to a digital format. Due to the scanning process and/or the condition of the photo, to one degree or another repairs are required on virtually every photo. I

I use an Ethernet connection virtually everyday. My primary desktop machine runs off an Ethernet connection. My oldest son's primary computer uses Ethernet. We use 'secondary' devices....smartphones, tablets and occasionally television off two separate home (Wi-Fi) networks but Ethernet is still very much used and

Sadly, there's an epidemic of thieves stealing copper from private and public properties throughout the country. These low-life's will do $10,000 damage to a building in order to get $100 worth of copper. Where I live public parks have been shut-down because thieves stole copper wiring to the lighting. Local

How true.....the usual descriptive terms which come from the apple asylum about anything apple does.

I appreciate and value the artistic and historical aspects of such signage but a couple of those examples didn't seem all that 'special' considering other examples I've seen. Sadly (and especially with California's wacky, liberal political climate) I'll wager none of those signs could be newly constructed today.

You got that right. We'll never get past all this racism crap with all the people perpetuating it at every chance. Sadly, some (like Al Sharpton) make a living fanning the flames of racism. Trayvon Martin's death was a sad, tragic event but based on the evidence I saw (not that my opinion matters in a court of law) I

Good information! As a Maximum PC subscriber (yeah, the paper version) I value their experience, expertise and opinions. When it comes to setting-up a new machine a gram of prevention is worth a kilo of cure.

I agree.....and don't forget to include the time wasted on the commercial. I admire the basic animation skills (I don't possess) but as a condensed, 60-second version of Blade Runner I wasn't impressed.