
The creative and artistic capabilities of this wonderful tool aside, Photoshop users often attempt to change our perception of the real world…..we have over-zealous liberals Photoshopping the trademark cigar out of Sir Winston Churchill’s hand for so-called political correctness. Government propagandists routinely

As an adjunct to the revolutionary portable cell phone, I remember my Dad having one of the early, ultra-expensive Motorola radio-phones in his car. It had a full keyboard below the handset (inside the car) and a half-trunk full of electronics. It came with a large notebook containing specific 'area' codes to

Very strange!

One commenter asked '...why is it always 'bout the children?" Simply put, saying something is to benefit the children has universal, humanitarian appeal. It’s a successful tactic often used to support the radical, liberal agenda in the United States. This disingenuous ‘heartfelt’ appeal frequently masks a deeper,

The Chevrolet Corvette has had some weak generations with respect to design but IMHO the Corvette C6 is one of the finest looking performance cars in the world. It possesses clean lines, functionality of design and beauty. In both exterior appearance and performance the Corvette C6 to compares favorably with many of

Craig Baird obviously has that track nailed and the car performed superbly....well done! As an avid, amateur road racer I'd rather see fewer concrete barriers but without question the Highlands Motorsports Park track looks like a challenging, fun course to run.

There are pros and cons no matter where you live. Monaco is a gorgeous (albeit miniscule) country possessing unparalleled scenery, a wonderful Mediterranean climate; history; and, a glamorous lifestyle for those with the wherewithal to enjoy it. Despite its exorbitant cost of living, I especially admire any country

Maybe I’m an anomaly in the technological age…..I use my iPhone sparingly; I don’t Facebook; I don’t Tweet; and, I ignore invitations to become LinkedIn. I don’t own an iPod and I don’t want an iPad….I want a Surface Pro. Frankly, I equate apple and google to the axis of evil empires. I have absolutely no interest in

Don't be disappointed, they're the IRS (the government).....they fuck us in the end.

As for obama wanting more money, let's not forget something like 46 cents of every dollar the government spends is borrowed money. With huge annual deficits and the national debt skyrocketing beyond $16 T it doesn't take a financial genius to know obama is destroying America (sadly, in more ways than one). Fiscal

If you've got the time and need the $11,000 it must be worth the effort.

A movie about Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher.....was there any word as to *why* it would come out? I can only hope the delay is permanent.

The questionable metaphors aside, your shame of F1 drivers is misplaced and unwarranted. Formula 1 team drivers are not responsible for the weather related's not their decision to make. The drivers don't make the call and there's no relation to the size of their 'sacks.'

As someone who races a highly modified C6 I'm doubtful the Callaway C7 conversion would fully accommodate a set of 4 wheels/tires (not to mention a jack and all the other tools and supplies you bring to track events). Even with the slightly higher hatch clearance towards the rear I just don't think it'll work.

What a McLaren Formula 1 driver Sergio Perez has high praise for the McLaren P1! Who would have guessed? I have no doubt the P1 borders on the amazing but frankly, I'd rather see Sergio actually pushing the car's capabilities rather than the sedate 'PR' laps he ran.

While a few of the author’s viewpoints have merit some are poorly researched and others are ridiculous (and downright dangerous). Less than capable drivers aren’t limited to the so-called elderly. Questions of age discrimination aside, I would support more frequent driving tests for people over 75. I also support

Notwithstanding the 'customer' would have to produce his driver's license (for the dealership) prior to taking a test drive, it's still fun video. I enjoyed the premise and I enjoyed watching it.

Knowing how the government operates you'd think they would simply add these wonderful structures to the already massive inventory of vacant (government) buildings they waste $100's of millions on year-after-year. I'd rather see these architecturally significant structures sold at a public auction and re-purposed

"This A-Frame in Pearl Basic, Colorado makes you want to curl up next to a fireplace." Or *in* the fireplace as the case may be. I admire and commend such efficient use of space but living in such close quarters would take massive adjustment for most people. First and foremost would be doing without all the stuff I

“…you just can’t let random judges dictate on technology and patents in which they have no scope of the economic, sociologic and ecological ramification for such an action due to their own ignorance and arrogance." What a concept….it’s then a ‘legal’ system where the judiciary 'bends' or disregards Law and established