
I admire and respect Lamborghini's but I've never been a huge fan. I value the form follows function mindset but for whatever reason, their interiors always seem 'lacking' to me. I would hope, for a car approaching $5 million, the interior would be awe inspiring. To each their own but the interior of the Veneno

Chances are the simpler the device the better. Over-the-years, my wife has bought more specialized, electronic kitchen/cooking gadgets than I can count. Most got used a few times and then were relegated to an out of the way kitchen cabinet (never to be used again). Notwithstanding butter is more likely to be used

It's bad enough movie makers keep rehashing old titles instead of attempting something a bit more original. Why spoil the memory of the franchise by wheeling-out the aged stars of yesteryear? Who knows....maybe the makers will employ the same 'age reversing' technology used on Jeff Bridges in Tron Legacy.

I would assume the system, a connected sub-system or God forbid a person has the capability to identify, distinguish, prioritize and purge lesser or non-threats. Like with anything, you do the best you can with what you have to work with. If you’re trying to identify and defeat 800 simultaneous incoming bogey’s you’ll

Notwithstanding obama is destroying the country with debt; unilaterally disarming our nuclear deterrent; and, eviscerating our military capabilities in general I feel it’s essential for our country to be the dominant, most capable military power in the world. I hope we never have to employ our military might but if

To all the digital hoarders…..what's the point in storing tens of thousands of unread emails indefinitely? Does it make you feel popular….will you pass the treasure trove onto your progeny? I recall the deranged, senile Senator from Nevada (harry reid) said of snail mail “….seniors love to get junk mail. It’s

It's now easier to understand how Germany almost conquered the world twice. This is obviously a 4th Reich training video.

Receiving an out-of-office reply is like when someone says they'll do something "mañana." It doesn't mean simply means not today.

I hope GM doesn't dilute the marque with a cheaper, less capable Corvette but it wouldn't surprise me. Corvette is already known as perhaps the best performance bang for the buck but it's well known GM is trying to massage the Corvette's appeal to a more youthful demographic. A $50,000 to $100,000+ 2-seat 'sports'

Many have been waiting to see the C7 vert....good job! Looks like a Viper...a Skyline GT-R.....OMG seriously? It looks all Corvette to me. The C7's 'busier' appearance is evolutionary but make no mistake it's all new. Only 2 minor parts were directly carried-over from the C6. IMO the C6 possesses 'cleaner' lines

I bought a new Corvette C6 in February of 2005 and it's been a great car in all respects. It possesses the looks and performance of supercars costing many times more and despite its great out-of-the-box performance, on certain legs of an Interstate trip I could average in excess of 30 mpg.....not too shabby! Sure,

"....Here's hoping the last-minute negotiations are a success." You've got to be kidding. The $85 billion in sequestration spending cuts (to be phased-in over time) represent but a minute fraction of the massive government deficit spending and an even smaller percentage of overall government spending. With

Awesome....and for a poultry $450,000 plus, taxes, shipping, dealer prep, etc. it's a proverbial bargain. I want one (maybe I'll win the lottery).

Hell, Twinkies can last virtually forever!

Traveling via commercial airlines today sucks! Gone are the days when flying somewhere was a pleasurable experience. Today you're felt-up, herded like cattle and treated like a criminal. If you can ever do it a private charter is the way to go. The company I used to work for owned a twin engine plane but the owner

You've got that right! It didn't take long for my two youngest children to render their machines virtually unusable. I try to guide them to use 'safe' computing practices but it's to no avail. The crap they get into online is amazing. After they totally muck things up then they come to me to fix it. I disagree with

Seriously....I finally tracked down and bought some vintage, mint condition, Swiss Army SAS 4000 'glacier' type sunglasses (with the red frame) like I used to wear. I'm surprised how much money people are willing to pay for them. They're not my everyday sunglasses now but I do wear them from time to time. For

I hope they all have tornado insurance.

Smartphones replacing wallets.....not mine. There's nothing un-American about using cash. No one ever hacked my currency and its never run out of power (notwithstanding government devaluing our money). If I'm waiting in a queue I get pissed-off as it is when someone has to use plastic to buy a $2 item. I'm sure

What a concept.....crush Americans financially; push the already lousy obama economy into a full-blown depression; and, empower government to steal yet more of our money which they waste.  We need less taxes, less government and less government intrusion into our lives!  We should let a 'freer' market exploit the