
I was talking to a childhood friend about this after an article I read on it a year or two ago, and was telling him about what I thought was new to me at the time and shocked I hadn’t learned it in AP History.

This kind of shit and the government assaults on union camps really need to be talked about more.  The rich and powerful have spent a lot of time and treasure keeping minorities and the poor down over the centuries.

Another thing, and this applies to racial and ethic minorities, women, gay people and other marginalized people, they don’t really have the luxury of being “outrageous” and “provocative” if they are running for office, particularly the presidency. Because they are so much more harshly judged. They can’t shake their

And the whole speculating whether he's a top or bottom seems pretty beyond the pale. When people speculate about women's sexuality, people recognize that as misogyny pretty easily.

The snitty comment about his age when he came out is particularly bad, I think.

Thanks for articulating this in a way I couldn’t. Super cool to be felt like an outsider all of your life in the straight world, but even cooler to enter the gay community and then be derided because you’re not the “right type of gay”.

All of this.

Rich has mad an online living of criticizing people for not coming out quickly enough. None of the above is at all surprising.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

This. It’s like if a black man wrote an essay about Obama and heavily implied he wasn’t a real black man because he never joined a gang or smoked crack. It’s literally criticizing the man for not embodying stereotypes.

Well this gay man found parts of the article to be quite homophobic. Calling a gay man “Mary” in an attempt to degrade and belittle him is pretty textbook homophobia.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

I put a fair amount of time into this series (and X-men Legends, which was very similar) back in the day. Think of it like a Marvel version of Diablo, packed to the brim with lore and a reverence to the source material that was impressive, which elevated the games considerably (the gameplay was fine).

Maybe Trey and Matt weren’t intending to say that

I wonder if now they’ll do an episode where they acknowledge many people still use the word “fag” as a homophobic slur.

What makes this issue very difficult to quantify is that a lot of this toxic hatred is wearing a mask of “honest criticism.”

I am a member of a number of fan and hobbyist forums, and I’ve noticed that a lot of the complaints carry very strong undertones of this toxicity, but with very carefully constructed wording.

It will be, but 75% of people have never seen The African Queen, so it probably doesn’t even matter. 

Is Blunt now a Disney property? Poppins and now Jungle?