
The idea of “white supremacy” and “I can’t get a job or get laid, and I live in my mom’s basement” cannot coexist in the same mind, so white male oppression was invented to ease the cognitive dissonance.

Ahh, the deflection tactics of the unwashed and undereducated anti-cucks. “But everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.”

Eh, I have less of a problem with Leftist saber rattlers who at least err on the side of “don’t be a total shitcock to people*” than I have with half-assed nihilists who stopped their social/emotional development at sophomore year. Both are annoying, but I can at least talk to the former. I cannot talk to the latter,

That’s the one, and it’s worse than I remembered. I didn’t realize they actually followed through with their threats to taze and arrest the mother too.

Nice edge there.

This is racist though.

Just imagine having a life shitty enough that spending hours and days harassing a banana over the Internet seems like a good use of time.

I recently responded to a post on NextDoor

His whole “can see everything that happens anywhere” power means he’s one of those characters who has to keep being written out of the story or else they’ll undo any tension.

And it was pretty awesome. I could do with a little more dreadlock freedom fighter Heimdall. Much more interesting than stands there and pontificates Heimdall.

Hell, I thought his role got bigger in Ragnarok. I was like, “Hey, this time they actually found something for him to do!”

Huh, Lena Dunham said something good for a change.

*jerking-off motion*

Nah. Being a bigot is a little bit more than just problematic. Hard pass.

Not that anyone will read this comment addendum because Kinja has shitty thread formatting:

Clearly since he is a victim of abuse, the responsibility to fix his entire home country falls upon his shoulders.

I know nobody really doubts the accuracy of this report, yet I still want to add that my wife was on the team at the time of these stories and they are all true. And Jojokian knew way more than she lets on.

It’s not often that society lets girls in short skirts kick one of their legs up in the air while screaming for attention.

They would also line up the cheerleaders at the entrance to the visitors’ tunnel when we finished warmups and were jogging off the field, I guess in an attempt to distract us or something?

The passport confiscation thing is so wild to me, that’s basically how you can prove who you are in a foreign country. Completely unjustifiable.