
I won’t tell you you are wrong to teach your niece and nephew to protect themselves from people who haven’t earned their trust.

This argument is insane.

The “Life Rune” is actually Algiz or “Elk”, and is supposed to resemble a stylized form of that animal to those who study the Futhark (runes.) It has connotations of nobility and protection when not written on neo-nazi flags and tattoed on their pathetic members.

Louisville is technically River City, but locals (like me) are more like to use The Ville, or just slur the name into it’s own nickname (“Lew-a-vul”).

It’s true- one of Fascism’s defining characteristics is allowing people to hold private meetings, and treating people equally without regard to their personal beliefs.

The NAACP waited- and allowed other black people- to be discriminated against before finally challenging bus segregation. Rosa Parks was not the first mistreated or the worst mistreated.

If you don’t want to spend money- you could always look up the list of their stations, call their station in YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY, and tell them you appreciate Gray Television letting them know how incompetent and vindictive they, and by extension YOUR LOCAL AFFILIATE, is.

“Where’s Charles Bronson when you need him?”

Sometimes people notice A and B are correlated, and try to make one the cause of the other, when in fact both A and B are caused by C.

You sound unhappy.

I recognize myself in this piece.

The “race dying out”comments appears alongside “ratchet Wal-Mart workers”- as a “quoted” by a middle school child’s mother. (They are direct quotes of a mother describing a child’s summary, not a direct quote from the teacher.)

Read the police report- the alleged “attack” came after the victim (115 lbs.) was ordered to put her hands behind her head... while straddling the bike.

It’s also possible for Black men to be stealthed as well.

According to my research, these two were attempting to use “Coalburner”, which is a white female in a relationship with a black male*. (Attributed to the film “Freeway”.)

So- the one black actor they cast is going to spend the whole film serving someone and calling them “Master”?

“Do we have to break out the history books?”

Good news, Callene Barton- CPS isn’t going to take away your grandchild.

“there were insects flying from her eyes, nose and mouth.”

I’m thinking about getting some other white folks with sense and rounding these folks up with butterfly nets for Home Re-Training.