
Semantically, it is the correct term for a CONSENSUAL ongoing relationship.

I didn’t get method acting- I got “Please don’t hate on me because I am a straight man playing a gay role. There are a hundred Cheyenne Jackson stans ready to claim “gay roles for gay actors” and I would like to avoid that.”

I didn’t miss that Halle has been used as a hip-hop cliche to downgrade other black women on the basis of their appearance. (“Missy Elliot thinks she looks like Halle Berry/That scary”) 

I’m really not getting this contempt for a man standing up for his wife.

Aside from the circling helicopters and different city PD cultures?

I feel like superimposing your own picture over Pac and Biggie is like daring the Universe to shoot you*.

OT, but: Who are these people who are fans of both the Kardashians and Pink Floyd? That is a Venn Diagram with no overlap, y’all. As a White Old and Pink Floyd fan, I’m baffled by everything about this decision.

Coppola signed on to direct the film, set in the Civil War, before Lemonade was released (March 2016 v April 2016.)

I can’t speak for other white people, but I would say the same thing to the hypothetical black-to-white transition lady that I would say to Rachel Dolezal (AND the woman who got plastic surgery to look like a cat.)

If you want evidence that Son of Baldwin was speaking about white people and not “bigots”, here is his response to a comment on 6/18 by “Jennifer”

That “big, bold, disclaimer”? Is the equivalent of “I’m not racist, BUT...”

I think your decision to not post a link to the Son of Baldwin piece is a good one, like your decision to not post videos of the behavior at Evergreen.

As a white person, I’ve heard the phenomenon in #2 referred to as “The White Man’s Ice is Colder” idea.

The Rainbow Flag already had a black stripe once- for the people who we lost to AIDS*.

Do public school teachers also have the right to wear shirts that say “Sanctuary Cities are Treasonous”?

Bubba Hinson’s voice on this video reminds me of how hard I worked to scrub a rural Kentucky trailer out of my own voice.

Show me on the snowflake-doll where the mean comment hurt you.

This speaks more to your insecurity than his.

Tell the truth- shame the stans.

He’s also the number one source* of relationship advice.