
I think you mean serendipitous, in that this story came out before you gave them more of your money, AND you have an ironclad reason to go eau shopping.

Thats... three different prints all using the SAME caricature?

The reason they weren’t charged with attempted murder is because Scarsella is an ex-Marine and trained Marksman who was firing from point blank range. All of the victims were shot in their lower extremities (feet and lower legs.)

I probably don’t deserve to laugh while thinking about this nightmare/tragedy, but thank you for this just the same.

I empathize with your fury here, but- a practice like that in our current society is going to be overwhelmingly brought to bear on LGBT POC.

I will not make a Dog-Bites-Man joke.

And now J.C. will never achieve his purpose of becoming the most famous Meatloaf celebrity impersonator in history.

And now J.C. will never achieve his purpose of becoming the most famous Meatloaf celebrity impersonator in history.

And now J.C. will never achieve his purpose of becoming the most famous Meatloaf celebrity impersonator in history.

Be fair XanthamGum- I started from the question of what Drift would be like with someone after you had sex with them- would you be able to experience what making love was like to yourself from the other side? Emotions are apparently part of drift, so- do you “taste” the emotions of others while they make love to you?

If I understand the Drift correctly, I’m not sure it matters what you’re interested in. In fact, those types of memories are mentioned specifically In-Universe.

I don’t know if this is a zombie thread or not at this point, but two things:

In Psychology, the Pygmalion effect is understood as “People eventually act- and internalize- in the ways they are expected to behave.”

Think of it like this- Mainstream culture will provides 100x more male/female pairings than same-sex pairings. People who want to see different-sex relationships? Don’t have to create or do anything, because next week new movies and novels and episodes will be released to meet that need.

It’s strange- you can die for your country as a soldier, have the symbol of your religious faith recognized and placed on your tombstone in Arlington...

On behalf of white people- stop embarrassing us. A child is dead. There may or may not ever be a place and time for your comment, but it is fact that here and now is DEFINITELY not that place and time.

I know I’m a lowly grey- but I’ve been where you are (commenting on an updated story that... changes. badly.)

As nice as it is that there was a anonymous tipster, the fact is that Sgt. James Young was identifiable due to this AZ Central article from 2015... in which he talks about training young police officers.

In much the same way Beyonce’s Lemonade wasn’t “for” white people, Lundt’s post isn’t “for” black people.

Fascinating- as white people, our Racialized Patriarchy-Loving, Longing-for-an-illusion-of-the-past contingent has always been pretty... vanilla.