
I’m fairly certain that this nordstrom inspired dante to write his divine comedy

I mean Rippon is a really pretty young man...

Seems like you’re annoyed about not understanding this game, I have to wonder if you’ve even played the game.

Until you actually played it?

Both are Dutch


If dumdum blog princess can use passive aggressive ageism throughout her whiny tantrum protest posts then I feel emboldened and justified in calling her a spoiled brat who lacks grit and is probably exhausting to be around.

The young woman in that video is so monochrome that she looks almost unreal. Like uncanny valley unreal, except she is a real human being.

i’m calling a foul...


Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

you know what, people need to quit with this shit. There are plenty of people who look all nice and dapper doing some heinous shit to women... and there are plenty of people who look like a complete mess who are just really good people. But hey, maybe you can post your picture up so we can tell you what you look like

People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi

Well, this punk by the way of the exact same algorithm that processed original series Star Trek into the new Star Trek movies.

Which is the polite way to say, “You tried, and the effort is definitely there. The thing you made is OK, but you just didn’t get it.”

I have a feeling none of these people have ever been to or seen a punk show...

I thought she was cosplaying as Selena...😕

Nothing says Punk like a bunch of cops and soldiers.

You remind me of people who eat a full meal and then complain to staff that it wasn’t good.

So in my opinion, the response toward Cocosasa’s behavior was more than a controversy about manners, it was a step toward figuring out the nuances that differentiate live-arena Hearthstone from its online counterpart.