
My wife and I just picked up a PS4 Pro Destiny 2 bundle, and I’m about to fire the game up for the first time. I’d been holding out for the PC version, but I figured this was as good a way as any to try it (we were going to be getting a Pro anyhow) before committing to play with my much more driven brother-in-law (I

He would need to get Jennifer Lawrence to play Lili Von Shtupp.

I think what synopsis likely got wrong is the Mother = Mary. I think it’s more likely to be thought of as Mother Earth. It DOES work a bit either way, and it’s no less trite in either configuration.

“Study shows we’ve run out of studies that prove anything but common-sense.”

This is terrible, he didn’t even try. The Cleveland Pawniard? He didn’t go with the Cleveland Escavalier? WTF? Why even feature this MS Paint quality art because it isn’t even clever?

Obligatory: Make Dark Cloud 3

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Sylpha, Grant and Trevor. Castlevania 3 is the beginning.

Apologize to the adorable snek.

They are not all scary! Mine is cute as a button.

This is a good dog.


as an aussie having moved to the US, I love how the taxi driving running the freshly red light makes it to the cut. I see that BS 100 times a day here in the US

I live in Ohio and I see most of this shit on a daily basis. The only shocking thing is the amount of people driving on the wrong side of the road. Think they are foreigners?

The Mignola vibes are HEAVY in the cover image. Especially early iterations of the Black Flame. It almost begs a need for citation

Lobster Johnson’s ghost goes to the moon?

My hot take: this looks stupid AF. Also: do we really need to see the mons pubis of female characters? If you’re gonna get clothes that tight at least let me see some Maul moose knuckle.

W T F Vietnam special 118???????? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?

Vietnam special at 118?!?!?! How high are you right now Raph?!?!