
The Last Samurai! I loved that movie, despite being more an homage to an era rather than using the historic detail, it was gorgeously shot, and felt like a true western mushed together with an old school samurai story. Plus Ken Watanabe as Katsumoto?!

Easy +1 because Baldurs Gate 2 is the best game they ever made

Great article for an amazing game ... I never got over as a kid that the fat Chocobo is mostly likely eating / regurgitating the items you give it to “store” ... why else would it be so fat?

I remember back in the day, Nintendo sent out an actual VHS tape to Nintendo Power subscribers (myself included) - that was sort of a preview / inside look at DK Country before it came out.

My “nearby” pokemon chat has never once actually helped me. It feels like those pokes on the list are your typical, average finds in a given area - but it’s still all up to the RNG.

Looks just a Soul Hunters knock off :P Collect characters, give them gear, watch the battles play out

I guess I’m in the Kotaku minority, because I very much enjoyed Warcraft. I went into it with Zero expectations, a fan of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 (never fell into WoW though) - and I thought it was a great time.

My sad, silent, secret hope is that someday Square Enix will release another Torneko game.

I always assumed that Hell was ridiculously technologically advanced, and that all the demon cyborg hardware from the first Doom games were par for the course in Hell. The cyclical nature of the fight seems to make the most sense out of everything - whenever Hell rises, whatever age it is in, a hero is called to fight

It’s Prince of Persia all over again ... :(

Tell me more about your singing apes ...

“I’m just exposing _____ issues!!”

Random side question: Did anyone else who played the original FF1 back on the NES (dating myself) run into the Kyzoku glitch? I know it’s a well know / established cheat, but I was just curious if anyone else came across it by chance back in the day - before the internet was around to provide spoilers ;)

I don’t know ... still not quite as awesome as the Nintendo Power comic ;)

Full 1994 IMAGE

Zack Snyder is the Image comics of super hero movies


I’m deeply and personally offended by your statement and it just ruined my entire month - MAYBE MY WHOLE LIFE.

Lovitz :P

In unrelated news, John Landis is engaged to someone 3o years younger than him. I’ll show myself out.