
You pretty much just described what every current Battlefront player I know wants, and would consider a “campaign” mode. Galactic Conquest is as close as Battlefront ever came to a story, and it was awesome... because you could play OFFLINE but still play MULTIPLAYER (the new game requires minimum 4 players for a

Fallout 4 has me unintentionally scanning rooms for aluminum cans and bobby pins. The struggle is real.

Shut it down. Shut it ALL DOWN

“... possession of an artefact that should ...”

“Mad Max: Fury Road. Say anything bad about Fury Road and I will plant you on a fucking spike. This movie is too good for the Oscars. They should have pulled the movie from consideration and set up their own award ceremony for it, complete with tricked-out hot rods and double guitars. If anything, the Oscars will just


Yes I grok that almost immediately.

Grumble grumble Han and Luke’s new outfits ... grumble grumble no Y wings or Tie bombers ... wait ...

Damn! Nicky V. would be proud ;)

Damn you underwater dam level!

But does the big cheat still work???

I think a rebel general is entitled to have a grizzled smoker voice ... she’s like the Admiral Adama of Star Wars

It is available on xbone ;) backwards compatibility snagged it from the 360

LRD-5002 ... nicely done ;)

Also worth noting Episode 15 of his series, along with all the tie ins and meeting Squire Maxom .... when he visits Little Lamplight ... and meets none other than a young kid named MAYOR MACCREADY - who’s first words are a threat to “blow your fucking head off.”

Without the question the EDF series is my favorite game to sit down for 5-15 minutes, save the world from an unstoppable hoard of nightmare bugs, and get on with my day.

Brotherhood of Steel: Chumps, to be hustled.

Reach is still my favorite Halo game to date ... I agree with everything you said about the Chief, about the odds being especially stacked against you in the earlier games, and the great balance of desperation / satisfaction that Halo 1, 2 and 3 brought to bare.

I enjoyed Hunger Games 1, and Hunger Games 2 ... but did anyone else see the first part of Mockingjay and just this “wow, this is trash.”?