
Might I suggest you start tossing a few select web comic artists into this mix as well? Game artists are incredible, but you seem to focus on already established artist who (probably) already have some money coming in from their full time gigs.

Looks like a young Gamagori to me :P

This list is invalid because it doesn't include Crew / Rowing - one of, if not THE most brutal, unforgiving, and masochistic sports there is. It's too bad no one beyond college-level athletes get any sort of national recognition - because in terms of sheer athleticism, top tier rowers are some of the very best.

Yup that's definitely a vagina! Wow

Witch Doctor for the following reasons:

Wow, it's weird how much this story is getting to me. All the fan art made me tear up, and seeing Se Jun Park do his victory spin is absolutely priceless.

Haha no reddit page yet! Been putting that one off for ever ... but I hope it all worked out! I like to think about D&D as writing your own fantasy story, in real time, except you have actual players acting it out :)

But most of these were already 2d sprites ... no?

Yup, plug me in, and leave me inside when they cut off our ability to log off :) I'll see you all at floor 100.

I definitely just signed up for that site so I could post reviews for these products. I am looking forward to the results :)

Damn you bioware, can I GET any more aroused?

Loom was one of my favorite PC games growing up - I never actually owned it myself ... we only had the first gen Macs, but my cousin has a DOS machine that we used for everything. That game ate up and entire summer and I'm sure we hardly scratched the surface.

So ... are the Geodudes and Sudowoodo helping you make the town ...? Or are you ... oh my god. You MONSTER!

Anyone have a picture of the runner-up-monk costume from last year? I bet it's awesome :)

Phantasmagoria :(

7 still holds a very special place in my heart, it came out right at the tail end of high school for me, and over the next several years I played it at least once a year, each time getting a little bit better and finding more secrets that I had missed previously. I didn't have the internet for almost three years

I just realized that every

"I'm sort of obsessed with becoming renowned," she tells me, as we regard each other over a flickering candle at a dim little Williamsburg izakaya ...

... What. What's the recent Kotaku drive to highlight children's cartoons restyled as hentai girls and yaoi boys ...? Saw the same thing with Ed Edd and Eddy last week :/

That quote is just as poignant as any of his films, and weirdly sends a very similar message about how limited our understanding of the world is, of people's motivations, and of how everything in this world, or any world, is fleeting at best. And that's ok :) That's life.