Why are they all so ... attractive?
Why are they all so ... attractive?
That's because they asked Billy Boyd to make it up himself, they just gave him the lyrics and he made up the melody based on old hymns and folk songs his family knew - apparently had most of the crew / cast in tears when he belted that out. It was a total ad-lib and meant to feel organic and home-grown. If that…
Like with all geniuses of whatever their chosen or gifted field is - it's about 50 / 50 ;) But the fact that it's 50 / 50 at al is what makes it genius. Being able to read into a story, and be rewarded by all the things you discover and unpack along the way, is what makes
It's a tough call ... "favorite" is such a relative term! I've got a few that leap to mind however ...
I will reserve my own Intense Thoughts about FFVI for your respective Intense Thoughts post about FFVI, and thusly the Intense Thoughts will be grouped together. Until then I will gawk the comments section and smile in happy nostalgia ...
What's in the flask Egg, magic potion?
Don't be fooled by the hype, a Rusty Venture is when you jerk off so much that you dick gets all red and swollen ...
I still play spore occasionally, it occupies the same space in my "gaming mind" as minecraft does. Both of them are easy to jump into / out of, they're great games to pick up while you're doing something else on your computer, or thinking about something else, or trying to distract yourself for a few precious minutes.
Screw them, start your own game :) You can find all the material you need online, and if you're just starting off then everyone else will be too! If people won't let you into their group for some ridiculous reason, chances are you don't want to play with them anyway... I say find two other people who like to play…
Dabrow22 sorry I missed your question!
Honestly it wasn't really bad at all, the game 'graphics' were often times mostly just blocky pixel art, and it was more left up to the imagination of the player (or illustrator, in these cases) to sort of ... fill in the blanks. NO ONE wants a box with art that's just screen shots of a 2d, 8bit game with half a…
But seriously, fuck moles. That cat knows what's up.
You had me at "new doom." I honestly don't even care if it's a shot for shot remake of Doom or Doom 2, because to be perfectly honest - those games with new graphics / gore / weapons / engines would most be incredible. I STILL go back and play Doom II every year or two, because it's still THAT good, and THAT hard.
I've always just penned out a broad story, you know, big movements, cities / countries / how they interact etc... then for each session I sketch out two quick dungeons, no names on them or where they're located etc, just shapes, moster locations, treasures, traps and secrets... find half a dozen appropriate level…