
Wait, am I the only on here who mainly remembers Walton for his role as Shane on The Shield?

You mean like Punch Drunk Love did with Adam Sandler?

Did you even read that essay? He makes a small mention about how it's sexism which mainly fuels the Ghostbusters criticism, and proceeds to talk about fandoms in general.

Hey, at least they had that great mini-series spinoff about GOB.

I watched about half of it and… eh. Now, granted, part of that had quite a bit to do with about half of the LatAm voice cast having been apparently changed since I last followed the series regularly, but the jokes were pretty uneven.

I expected Tommen to die of poisoning to keep all three deaths connected.

I do have to wonder: do the Lannisters (and whoever still supports them) have enough men to actually send forces up North (or at least the Vale)? I'm pretty sure there's greater priorities.

While I agree, I feel that in the great picture, White Stripes gets a lot of uneededly extreme opinions from both sides of the aisle.

Don't worry, I'm sure at least the members of Radiohead, White Stripes, and Sex Pistols love P-Funk.

Spongrney Squarubble

"in the High Maintenance traile"

I'm STILL disappointed this isn't about avant-garde saxophonist extraordinarire, John Zorn.

But will they collab with Jerry Lee Lewis?

Adventure Time too.

I feel that Cartoon Network's winning formula is certainly to promise the showrunner creative freedom and really let them have it, as opposed to Disney's perfectionism or whatever the fuck Nick is doing now. Sure, it produces some duds (Uncle Grandpa), but there's so many shows which on paper sound like they'd be

I (a Honduran, living in Honduras) saw it more as an homage to narco shows/movies than anything else.

You jinxed it.

I wonder when Euron will really establish himself as a villain. How many more episodes will Alfie Allen film?

"Oh, there was another rumour, Your Grace. Turns out everyone in Dorne got super-Greyscale and then the entire continent was swallowed by the sea."

What happens with your government has worldwide repercussions. Given that the other two countries with comparable economic scales have for decades gone more and more isolationist, one must keep aware of your situtation.