
I really like the s/t -I really need to listen to more dub (trip) hop-, but I feel they really hadn't found (as loosely as it may exist) their identity just yet: it was unashamedly a Dan/Damon/(KId Koala) collab, in spite of being the one with the most lyrical self-references.

Either that or MwC.

It's the Infinity -1, the top spot will be forever held by Martin Shkreli.

No, the one from that Fox comedy played by… was it Bob Odenkirk?

The problem is that we've seen scenarios like this before on Game of Thrones, and they generally don't end with the person taking the stupid if noble/brave person winning: it gets skulled crushed.

That'd be the best show Ramsay Gordon's ever been involved in, though.

I guess his reasoning was that carrying a weapon would have slowed him down and/or that tree swings would have hit friend and foe alike.

Filthy greeks, don't put your hands on my kebab sandwich.

You can hear them singing "Shit me out, toniiiight"

I'd say "well, you already knew about that one", but this list overall doesn't quite add that many obscure masterpieces.

Darin is glorious on that one.

I'm honestly still baffled about why you Americans have such a dislike of clowns.

The Hound and the Merry M, erm, Brotherhood look like they'll be safe for a while, they're being set up for the long game.

Definitely. The Internet makes it easy for people now to find good bands from all over the world. It's like this that we should stop bands as boring as The Black Keys from making it big.

Lawyer is "abogado" and we call the fruit "aguacate".

I guess there's an article up there with a description of what this will be like, but… seriously, it's Ron Perlman and Kelsey Grammer. OF COURSE I'm gonna watch this.

Your Lights Will Go Actually Out
This Sleeping Gal
A Pill and a Sip And the Rape is Finally Mine

Admittedly my memory of ALF is kinda lacking.

For me it's an okay movie with some great moments. At times it feels like an Anderson parody in itself.

I'm just surprised that ALF wasn't actually a puppet.