
This is one of those inventions when I think "Wow, aren't we a great species?" But then I don't have to look far to think otherwise again...

"Good, finally I can get rid of all this brand placing!" - puts on BrandKiller with UVEX strap.

Cool concept, but if it were that easy to return the boosters why hasn't any other agency done it yet? Good luck with that, let's get ready for some awesome crash footage.

What a great article, thanks for the read! But you also included the reason why this much common sense will not prevail:

That would be "Bonnland", a small village that was cleared of it's occupants in 1937 during the build-up of the Wehrmacht and continued to serve the Bundeswehr later on. A few more modern structures were added in the 90's. No explosives can be used in the buildings, they would not take the blast too well, there is a

The critics should really check out all the rest of the photos:

This. And it will never change.

Great post as usual, Tyler, thanks for the read! But every time I read one of your articles I have to think of all the diseases, floods, viruses, cancer and whatnot we as a race might have solved already, if were only as inventive (and funded) as our interest in killing each other in the most sophisticated way. Just

The first review from 2013 says it all:

That's sounds like a great outfit, although I must admit it doesn't make much sense to me, that the Navy let's the Army tug it around ;)

Pardon the maybe dumb question: but why U.S. Army tugs? Shouldn't they be operated by the Navy?

Lest not forget that the border to possibly threatening counties has moved a notch to the east with Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Lettland being allies now. If at all assets should be stationed there instead of central Europe.

I thought Elysium IS District 10?

I wonder how long it will take until the majority will realize the F-35 only won to ensure Lockheed stayed in business. Can't have only one Fighter plane manufacturer.

"Seems impressive?" That's QUITE impressive, I'd say.

Why put landing skids on a suicide Drone???

God forbid they rally and play some Frisbee on christmas eve!

So the world is going to war over a Seth Rogen movie?

This would be my ultimate amphib Taxi:

"Ohmygawd we are all going to a camp"