
Great post as usual, Tyler, thanks for the read! But every time I read one of your articles I have to think of all the diseases, floods, viruses, cancer and whatnot we as a race might have solved already, if were only as inventive (and funded) as our interest in killing each other in the most sophisticated way. Just

The first review from 2013 says it all:

Lest not forget that the border to possibly threatening counties has moved a notch to the east with Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Lettland being allies now. If at all assets should be stationed there instead of central Europe.

This would be my ultimate amphib Taxi:

OMG so many videos!! Bookmarked in folder "aircraft porn" :)

I would assume the jump was also a validation of the Jump School in general. Since the whole "jumping-out-of-airplanes" thing is not really the most modern way to bring men and their equipment into a combat zone. I guess they didn't want to lose that asset for never having used it.

Thanks for the laugh, I just checked what you meant, excellent :)

Very cool video, thanks for posting.

My god, I'm so sorry for all the US taxpayers, having to sit by and watch this debacle unfold unhindered since it's "too big to fail". You have all my sympathies, maybe some day this will all be finally over, until then, best not read any more about this plane that I refuse to accept as the successor of the truly

Those two 10 minute videos of the debrief are awesome, thanks for posting them!

All a matter of lobby, sadly...

Is it just me or is she cute? She can dogfight me any day :)

Also this:

Wow, I never thought of that. You really do have the better job in a C-2, if not the best!

Meanwhile in Germany:

I wonder, do pilots like to fly them or would they rather avoid being assigned to them?

Say what you want, but that is intimidating.

I just found this and thought I should leave it here:

And that is how the world turns...

Trust me, you WILL hear that siren, earbuds or not. As a german I should know, I got all kinds of sirens passing my house frequently (Fire Station nearby).