Guess Who?

Prejudice is NEVER legitimate. I wonder why it is so many people seem to equate the left with equality, openness, compassion and inclusion? While they equate the right with prejudice, discrimination and victimization since the left wants to end all three.

No. Prejudices are prejudices. They should be challenged and met with scorn. Just because a large group of people hold the same bigoted opinion does not mean that it’s a legitimate viewpoint this deserves attention. I will dismiss prejudices, both from others and when I myself have them.

This can only mean he has a whole warandpeace sized book coming out. #lordhelpus

Yes, he could make some enlightened, well-reasoned points if this was the 24th century and he was complaining about the overly idealistic policies and viewpoints on board the Enterprise-D.

No shit, can you imagine if guys like this could get pregnant? Low stress tolerance indeed, you sanctimonious douche!

Interesting that he completely ignores that matriarchal human societies do exist. Which pokes a hole in his theory that women avoid positions of power because of their biology.

Your perspectives were accepted as facts 80 years ago and we’re done with it! Sorry :)

I don’t think this person understands what TL;DR means. My eyes were glazing over for most of the post.