Guess Who?

THANK YOU SQUEEEE! YOU made me laugh and I needed that right now. Right on my friend! Right on!

Problem is Frodo, there are no “enlightened, well-reasoned points” which validate his ignorant, misogynistic, power-driven, egotistical viewpoint. He doesn’t want to discuss anything. He wants to be right and make the rest of us think he’s right too.

Right on, Panda. I have another reason women, blacks, trans etc should NOT be asked to listen and consider the opinions of the bigots against them. Not only are they FALSE, but I have yet to hear of any bigot who will change their mind when their victim demolishes their false beliefs with valid, fact-based, scientific

Tehhhh: Perhaps I may resolve your confusion here. You say: “Just because you’ve come to a conclusion on a group of people does not make it a universal truth” I can nip that problem in the bud. THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE: THE HUMAN RACE. Now no one needs to argue or come to any false conclusions re: any group of people.

Prejudice is NEVER legitimate. I wonder why it is so many people seem to equate the left with equality, openness, compassion and inclusion? While they equate the right with prejudice, discrimination and victimization since the left wants to end all three.

THICC: what are we? Your unpaid researchers. There are many—or are you a man who wants women to do his work for him (including matriarchy resarch) but then will refuse to believe the data? Don’t bother answering. I already know and don’t really care (sorry dude)

Did Google re-hire him? Darn!

As long as those discussions were not just a waste of everyone’s time. Because I, for one, could tear all his opinions to shreds in a heartbeat. He offered NO specifics nor any scientific data (with notation, etc) to prove his assertions. His first point re: the gender differences being universal accross the earth for

Kaz, with all due respect, his views have been the prevailing views for the past 5,000 years. Aren’t you bored with the rerunning conversations. Besides, did listening to those perspectives help promote diversity or aid in women’s equality of rights? Defend them from discrimination, abuse and worse? Nope. But no ever

I’m amazed and incredulous that this guy GOT a job at Google. His rant (10 pgs?) is a load of b.s. He’s lucky he hasn’t experienced more debate re: his ignorant ideas, because I, for one, could tear most of his alleged facts apart and show them up to be his own personal prejudices in a heartbeat. Also most of his rant