
The NFL should just get it over with, and subject every play to automatic review until the snap of the ball on the next play. Nothing would really change. As always, once the ball was snapped on the next play, further review of the previous play would continue to be disallowed. The coach’s flags, too, would still

I’m old enough to remember the outrage among a large segment of Bay Area sports fans decades ago- including some Giants fans- when Willie McCovey was pilloried in the local press because he was bold enough to demand his own room on road trips. It didn’t matter that he’d shared rooms with teammates his entire career, or

The “security guards” that hung back in reserve were the only ones in that room that knew what they were doing . My favorite is the one that stopped in his tracks to concentrate his attention on a fellow red shirt who had just been punched to the floor with authority. Suffice to note, by so concentrating on his downe

“According to prosecutors, Sidoo’s older son Dylan scored 1460 out of 2400 on his first try on the SAT, so David told the person he allegedly paid to take the tests not to make Dylan look too smart”.

Does this mean the Bryce Harper-as-Ryan Howard-in-his-twilight-era is upon us already?

One man’s nitpick: where’s the exclamation point (Jeb!)?  

And every outfielder that’s ever crashed into a wall could have said the same thing..

Heckuva job by the first base coach, too.

Rubio should now reply, “Damn, you’re name is German”?

It could be worse. Dolan might command Knicks fans to kiss his ass at the gate before being allowed in to watch a multigenerational uncompetitive basketball team likely get beat again that night.

I once lived kitty corner from a bar where an argument led to a guy being head butted through the bar’s front window at closing time. A huge pane of glass sliced his femoral artery, and he bled out and died.  End of story.

I bet she wouldn’t have been seated at that table had Trump known police had a search and arrests warrants ready to be served up.

I’m appalled the Giants made Harper the long term offer they did, and pleased he didn’t sign, whatever his reason. Picture Ryan Howard in twilight, and then picture Harper in the 3ed or 4th year of his contract- and maybe even earlier.

Well, Ali was “stripped” of his crown, too, as if cast out like a leper, by the same breed of cat as those Wisconsin birdbrains, and we all know who lived to have the last laugh, in terms of both personal and historical reputation.

Donald Trump ostentatiously sat behind home plate at Yankee Stadium throughout the 2001 playoffs and World Series because he understood the film record of those games- played in the immediate aftermath of 9/11- would mark him in the historical memory of New Yorkers and Americans forever. It’s either that, or for some

There is a perfect solution to the great statue controversy. When Richardson dies, place the football where his head is, and his head in his hand- problem solved. Best of all, Richardson’s feelings won’t be hurt.  I mean,  at all.

“He called his child porn crimes a “skeleton in the closet” that he’s been battling for years”.

You are way too easy on the freakshow that is Alabama: “the armpit state”.

I don’t care how godawful those mascots drawings are. People who contend we should have finished the job in 1945 are flat out wrong. They say, “in the long run, it would have been more merciful for all concerned, rather than having lived to witness the ravages of radiation poisoning at work upon an ancient culture

I know of a company where management announced a camera had been placed at their time machine, in order to prevent people punching time cards other than their own. Within a few months a guy got fired for doing just that. I never discovered if he had forgotten, or if he was that arrogant, or simply that stupid.