Gudger College Alumnus

Great name, first of all! (I went to Goucher so we always laugh about that line.) I was called a centrist, a Trump Democrat, and accused of lying that I supported Sanders in 2016 becauseI now support Warren.


Oh, that particular asshole doesn’t believe I’m a WOC. In an earlier post he made some really racist comment about “my grandmother being spit on by a camel” doesn’t make me a woman of color. He has no idea of my race. He has just decided that I’m a rich white woman (pretending to be a WOC due to some vague ancestor

So bullying, belittling, name calling and brow beating anyone who doesn’t support him is not adding to his base of support?

There is effectively little difference between the two. But it’s an insurmountable gap according to those precious little ones.

Well, since Bernie has no hope of winning the nomination, his “supporters” being godawful racists and sexists all over the place is at least accelerating his exit. So maybe he’ll get a nice early retirement from Presidential politics and can just endorse Warren. 

I still have a stalker who is absolutely convinced I’m a secret Biden supporter.  My sin?  That I disagreed that Biden was AS BAD as Trump.  Seriously, it’s some times hard to separate the troll from the idiot.

i wonder how many were splinter bloggers

This is a classic example of conspiracy mongering. Note the “just asking questions” bullshit at the end, as well as the attempt to justify the abuse in the structure of the first sentence. There’s no way to say “the abuse is bad, but” without the “but” being the defining part of the sentence.

The Working Families Party’s decision to endorse Warren for president on Monday came as something of a shock to Sanders supporters, since the group had backed him in 2016.”

Much like God’s, Sanders’ supporters scare the crap out of me.

What a fucking revolting overreaction just because WFP endorsed Warren and not Bernie. Talk about the most extreme of sour grapes. FUCK those sore losers.

I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to

I assume D+ is going to offer a two-tiered subscription system. A standard plan that includes every season of the Simpsons, and a premium plan that only includes seasons 1-9.


Are you new to Splinter?

Nah man! You’re drinking the KOOL-AID!

Way to both sides, centrist.

Listen to better podcasts, centrist bitch”

You are trying for the high ground while you defend a rapist.