The Storbæltsbroen is one of my favorites. And it leads to Egeskov Castle which has one of the weirdest car collections I’ve seen.
The Storbæltsbroen is one of my favorites. And it leads to Egeskov Castle which has one of the weirdest car collections I’ve seen.
An EV1 kit car would be mighty cool. That aerodynamic design is ugly-cute. Heck, maybe it’d even work as a body kit for a Leaf.
NP. It’s a clean, nicely sorted, well-suspended roadster with decent parts availability, that just happens to look like a specific other car.
Troll score: 7/10, subtle but effective.
The same can be said for any off-the-shelf chopper or high-zoot Harley, and have you seen the prices on those? I give these bikes credit for being distinct, well-sized and actually rideable.
Yay, I’ve always been curious about these, if the suspension and frame are well done they would be a hoot to ride. The 450 definitely looks better in the frame.
I would suggest you consider these ideas:
I like that Toyota, but $24,000 is a lot for a BJ.
Their SWAT team has one woman. Guess who will take the blame?
Actually, I think it was a (watercooled) VW.
Demographic Transition is definitely a thing. And if you can have your tubes tied when you have your 1st or 2nd kid, why not?
I recall a Car Talk caller whose wife would never turn on the heat in the car, because her father had said it would use more fuel.
Oh, he stopped and thought. It’s calculated. Dude’s trying to be the figurehead of a loose agglomeration of friendless 4Chan dorks, so he has to keep making a spectacle of himself with puerile “hot takes” like this.
Instead of like 5 mirrors on the legshield, it’ll have a continuous arc of mirror-coated sapphire. It will have a custom-made 150cc V6 engine with exhaust tuned to the same harmonic interval as the opening chords of “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. It will come with a custom-fitted Air Force parka by YSL.
The engineer in me cringes at them throwing resources at such an inefficient way to turn electrons into torque, but there’s drivers and fleet operators who won’t give up piston engines evar, so this might be the only way to get them off Diesel fuel.
Dad’s VW microbus went a hair over 55. Since he was going top speed, he drove in the left lane. I still remember the sound of him rowing it through the gears.
Someone has to scoop up that Beezer. Amazing price for a practical classic.
A million-dollar side-by-side. What’s it like to wake up every day and think, “how can I take something people like, and turn it into something for rich MFs to peacock with?
The truly rich have their henchmen deal with it.