
I run it in my 914 for the zinc. Brad Penn is what most 914 owners swears by, but the tests I’ve seen don’t back it up. At any rate zinc additive is $6 or $7 so if in doubt throw it in there and use whatever.

I find myself watching and keeping up with F1 more out of habit than enjoyment. Still some great racing and performances by the drivers and teams, but the FIA just keeps trying to strangle them.

Money can and DID buy what SCG is doing this year. The idea that this is a proper road car, like a Ferrari or McLaren, is silly. They don’t have dealerships or service outlets. By Glickenhaus’ own quote it took them “days” to convert the race car back to a road car. Also this isn’t a proper street-legal car can you

Oh god if only they'd coincidentally done a Bill Paxton edition Ram Rebel with tornadoes on it...

Isn't it a tad premature to declare this inferior to a car no one has ever seen or driven yet? What do we really know about the model 3?

Why is it that people like Banks cannot focus their faith on being more Chirst-like, being charitable and helping the people in their communities instead of focusing on what other people are doing? Glass houses, dude.

No problem. Any possible way I can get out of the gray? I normally have really good points that I post but they never seems to get ungrayed, this is the first one in a long time.

You mean the Corvette's LT4 Supercharged 6.2L V8?

It's almost as if aesthetics are subjective...

Title is flagrantly try-hard. Try less, please.

Last time I suggested a stock Deuce and a half and you scoffed that it wasn't practical enough. For you consideration, a crew cab deuce and a half - SO MUCH MORE PRACTICALITY. Plus, the city of brotherly love is going to have a lot more snow than ATL...

Most people don't know that the trick to making them reliable is proper cooling mods and actually giving the car some throttle every once in awhile. It actually needs to be driven hard to stay reliable.

Most people don't know that the trick to making them reliable is proper cooling mods and actually giving the car some throttle every once in awhile. It actually needs to be driven hard to stay reliable. It's a very interesting car in this sense, and very different from what most 'enthusiasts' and 'collectors' are used

I owned one. It was pretty cheap.

Or i'll trade you a foxbody.

Great car..I have a 94' R2 and have been pondering offering it up for sale but just can't pull that trigger yet.

Our predicted drive times ended up looking a bit like this: