
I’m reasonably confident that the cloning saga that is occurring in both Mandalorian and Bad Batch is tied into how Palpatine returned (and the formation of Snoke). Filoni likes papering over plot holes, and that’s the dooziest of them all right now, so I figure that’s his intent with these cloning exploratory

They have managed to bring both Luke and Leia into these shows. Once they did that, all bets were off, and now anything is possible.

Stop remaking good stuff. Barely half of these live-action remakes were any good, and all of them were unnecessary as the animated versions are great fun and are still favourites with contemporary kids.

With Twitter dying, this is now where my inane thoughts go.

I’ve only played Tetris a handful of times. I tend not to get addicted to games.

Something I have learned about myself over recent years is that certain kinds of comedy just don’t work for me, and in this case, Armando Iannucci’s comedy falls into that category. It actively makes me uncomfortable and weird, that I have to completely push it away and never think about it again.

Now playing

“I think Doctor Who has learnt more tricks over the years than other shows have, perhaps.”

Depending on the era they are intending to explore, I still think Daisy Ridley would suit another ongoing action franchise like this.

David Oyelowo was looking into it (so technically British, not American, I suppose). Years have already passed since that announcement, so who knows how it’s going.

There are five dormant Disney IP that I would like to reawaken and/or remake:

It’s entertaining. But it’s also very difficult to reduce an entire novel to 90 minutes. I think they sacrificed the wrong bits, but I get why they did it. The end result works fine for a movie to keep the kids giggling and glued to the screen.

I liked it. I did not, however, love it. A lot of people are embracing the quirky humour as though it was consistent with the 1988 movie, but it’s not at all. Its tone is anachronistic and jarring every time, which the movie never was. I find that distracting.

I’d be okay with a Seven Of Nine show with her, in the guise of being a Ranger.

Compared with other animated movies, there is nothing special here. It follows a formula, but lacks charisma. However it’s competently made, and you’ll probably find it pleasant enough entertainment for a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Not sure I agree with him on that assessment. I like Mummy Returns quite a lot. However, the non-Mummy movie Van Helsing, also by Stephen Sommers, was going too far, a victim of his own hype. It was similarly as misguided as the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies post-World’s End*.

The trick that Stephen Sommers missed with The Mummy’s continuation was to have a movie series about Ardeth Bay and the Medjai as protectors of other sacred artefacts across different cultures. They still could have that as a TV series, really.

For several years now, a lot of people (including me) have been suggesting Natasha Lyonne would be a great Columbo. That was never likely to happen, so Rian Johnson has stepped up and created an almost-like, with a few subtle nods in it, not least the guest star list.

I thought it was a movie that I likely wasn’t going to go and see. And I was right.

I wonder if that idyllic glade with the woodswomen (who I guessed were sisters) was the Voluptuous Vale they mentioned was on the map.

Call me cold and heartless if you wish, but B2EMO did nothing for me. I was not moved by his irritating stutter or clunky rolling trashbin gimmick. Of all the droids designed to elicit soppy emotions from me, it’s on the bottom of the list, far below the Mark III Dark Troopers.