
Now, waiting for the next three

I think this is the same company recreating the voice of Val Kilmer after his throat cancer.

Eleventytwelve TV series is plenty enough Star Trek.

Compared to other live-action portrayals, perhaps. But compared to the cartoon strip, I think he’s a good choice.

we try really hard not to let anything of the bad just to protect your experience of seeing it for the first time

The generic term for puffed rice, puffed wheat, or popcorn, is “puffed grains” which is close enough a rhyme for a cartoon to stretch it to “puffed rangers”.

Those flashes to other scenes look like Scheherazade tales, or similar. It has a kind of The Fall thing going on.

I was thinking the other day about how a lot of people were wondering who would be the next Tony Stark-like leader in the MCU, and though a lot of people thought it could be Peter Parker for some reason, I didn’t see anyone suggest Stephen Strange. He has an ego to match Stark’s, so in a way it seems inevitable.

Stylistically this is not a 70s or 80s movie. Not even close. It’s a contemporary movie. The director is nuts if he thinks he can say stuff like that and think anybody is going to blindly accept it. There’s no shame in saying it’s a movie made now about a toy from yesteryear. Just say that!

Nah, that doesn’t make sense.

One assumes they will Shazam-ify it. And if so, I have confidence in it.

One of the cool perks of being a Sci-Fi / Fantasy journalist must be the amazing creators you meet, which will net you a cover artist of that quality level.

I don’t think he wants to be a big star. Even though it looks like he gets a lot of roles that push him that way, what he wants is freedom to pick and choose, and occasional high visibility gives him that freedom. I’m sure he’d happily go back to smaller roles like Ex Machina, and undoubtedly he will, but that he’s

Had a movie marathon of pulp character movies. These included:

It’s almost like space Lost

As someone who has always been part of a Tribe, I already felt these things about Anakin slaughtering the Tuskens. So, welcome to our world.

(see smoking remains of sail barge).

They mentioned Yuzzums and name-checked Max Rebo. It’s not an unreasonable guess!

They’re Mods. Check out the movie Quadrophenia.

A. It’s ‘jibe’ not ‘jive’.