It is possible for someone to have an active role in politics and still have a sense of humor.
It is possible for someone to have an active role in politics and still have a sense of humor.
A very close person to me is pan, and the first thing she said is "we have a flag? Not just the rainbow flag?"
You sir had a third degree burn. That's hard core. Glad it didn't get infected!
Krillin was always my favorite, so I endorse this. Hilarious.
Damn guys, if you'd just let him keep doing his corrupt activities without all these gosh darned questions, he could keep being corrupt! Don't you get it? Leave the man alone.
Ohhh, hahahah. Thanks!
I hate to show my ignorance, but despite my location (on two rivers and near the coast) I know very little about fish and basically zero about shellfish. So, with that in mind, could someone explain the shrimp story to me? I just flat out don't get it.
But what about the tacos, Pinkham, WHAT ABOUT THE TACOS? *sobs*
As long as the kid was having a good time, I don't see a problem with this at all.
I guess I get to be that guy, but what's so gross about a cream cheese and ham omelet? It wouldn't top my omlete wish list, but ham and cheese omletes are delicious, and so are cream cheese omletes. I don't get why it's such a big deal someone might want to combine them.
Good lord, that should have been the main focus of the article, or gotten it's own article. I don't care if the law was pro-marriage-equality or anti-killing-people-because-they-looked-at-your-plate-of-delicious-teriyaki-chicken-too-long (I'm sorry, I can't help but stare sometimes), I would still be so strongly…
When I read the headline I assumed it would be about how Obama is destroying the economy so people can't afford to go. That or Benghazicaregate.
You're missing the point. This wasn't some PETA-funded anti-meat statement, it was a joke. "hahah, we're hippies, so webeat tofurky instead of turkey. See, I'm pardoning tofurky, hahah" NOT "meat is bad, if you ever eat a living creature you are worse than hitler"
Paramedic student here. kaizykat, everything I have learned says he will succumb to his injuries for sure, burns don't always kill right away.