
There was a big argument in the rest of the thread about whether the hospital was reminiscent of consumer debt or an unregulated health care system. I wouldn't recommend reading it, but I did.

Awful episode in a season that was promising. I hope they get off this story and fast. Does anyone know if it was in the comics? I don't recall it, but haven't read them all.

I'm guessing you won't be disappointed. The red machete is in the opening credits.


The flashbacks would still have a point. They would demonstrate how and why Nucky sunk into criminality. I surely hope Nucky doesn't pimp her out, but if I recall correctly, Gillian has already told us that it was Nucky who took her to the Commodore's room the night he raped her. Maybe she said that Nucky came in

Much better review this week. Not sure the show deserved an A, but the review focused on the show and had some good insights.


Both Donna and Cameron are hot, no doubt. I think which one you like better depends on your tastes. Are you into traditional girls who are pretty and you think would make a good mother? Then Donna is your choice. (I think calling her "kind of cute" is a vast understatement.) Are you more independent and punk? Are you

Good point! Hadn't thought of that, but you're right.

Oh yeah. I fixed it now.

Good point too. Your posts have been really good.

Maybe I'm discounting Kevin's family history of mental illness too much. There was a very odd ringing sound in one of his scenes (may have been when he was on the phone with the gov't agent), which may have been a clue that what was being said was not real.

Yeah, it's NOT a hallucination, and no offense to you (my anger is directed at Sonia), but that's obvious. We already saw the ATFEC kill a bunch of cult members and then we literally see the body churning factory where they clean up their dirty work. I think having the federal government go that off the deep end is

There's a lot to dig in on this show. You can call it obvious or boring, but there are layers. And, Sonia hasn't delved into them. She just wants to complain about the lack of leading Indian characters in a white-bred suburb. Dumb complaint.

Insightful, non-obvious points. I nominate you to replace Sonia.

I didn't feel bad until they really started to hurt her. I don't think we're supposed to like the GR. They're utterly hateable.

She's unprofessional. No one visits this site for Sonia's views on things. We visit the site because it offers a review of shows we watch (even though we may not love the shows), plus an intelligent comments section. This website is not I don't care about her personal views. I want insight on the show that

Wow, these are great points.

And, for the record, I kinda hate this show and mock it while I watch it.

Honestly, she's a bad writer and a lazy one. She doesn't do any research to try and understand what she doesn't already, and I'm not sure she even pays attention to the show. She needs off this assignment.