
Yeah, I really didn't like the Chief when he flipped out on the guy. I think the shirts he got back weren't his, which makes the Chief the jerk.


Hey AV Club, get a new reviewer for this show. It's a show about a white suburb in a country that's 70% white and almost 80% Christian. I'm so sick of reading reviews that focus solely on racial and gender issues rather than actually discussing the plot and meaning of the show. Seriously, Sonia needs to be taken off

Here's a plot point that's received no attention: Joe doesn't seal the deal with the Compuland guy, who gave him a $63,000,000 offer. Will that hyper-retarded move (done purely for vanity and a display of cool on Joe's part) come back to bite them?

But Apple largely flops in the PC market. Its desktops and laptops are niche products still. The only market Apple has really dominated is the mobile one, which is obviously extremely important today, but wouldn't exist for another 20+ years in 1983.

So, you didn't like Cameron's reaction to the axing of what was (in her mind) her most significant achievement because it made her seem like a girl? She IS a girl, however. Sorry that offends your sensibilities that no female portrayed on television should ever act like an young-20s female might in a heated moment.

I've haven't liked this show much, but this episode was excellent. It had a nice twist with Donna's boss from TI. (I did not see it coming, and neither did the reviewer, even though he pretends like it was obvious.) It had a great 80s party scene. And, my favorite part was Joe's speech where he sold the Compuland (?)

HD cable is like $10 a month extra. Again, worth it.

It's called a viking funeral.

I guess it's a bad idea to have a relatively unlikable, childish main character, but I don't know why the reviewer assumes that the writers intend us to sympathize with Joe in the scene with his dad. Maybe Joe's big secret is that he's an entitled little boy who's all surface and needs to do a lot of growing up. I

LOL at "last ten minutes of a sports movie." Funny 'cause it's true.

Really amazing and huge HD TVs aren't very expensive. Go get one. You're on here commenting about a somewhat crappy TV show, so I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy the hell out of it. It's worth the $1,000.

Yeah, but now he's got $140k case AND no church to worry about. Maybe he should just jet it to an island and stop worrying so much.

I'm not sure the reverend's theories are entirely wrong. He's certainly more correct than those who posit that the departed were taken because they were morally upright. He's found evidence that a lot of the departed were scum. His presentation of that evidence seems destined to alienate people, but I got the feeling

This is the credited response.

Right, but the scene was in there, and it was pivotal. I've now lost a lot of interest in the show. I'd say a D would be a more accurate grade.

I want to like this show, really. I want to like every show on AMC because I trust the brand that's given me many, many hours of dirt cheap viewing pleasure.

In his review, Dennis Perkins admits that he's not coming at this from a nerdy / tech perspective. I think there's interesting subject matter here, for sure, but the execution stinks badly. They need to improve a lot in the coming weeks if this show is going to stick around.

Seriously, the parking lot scene was HORRID.

Not a tax professional, but the paint job being on the tax returns also baffled me. What possible deduction can you take for painting your house?