
Ugggghhhhh. I wish shows would just avoid the issue. I don't watch a silly cartoon to have abortion politics thrown in my face. There were a lot of half-baked abortionist talking points in the episode, but, as a father, I found the idea that men can't have an opinion on abortion, which is a debate about when life

I was trying to say that they both understand that theirs is a professional relationship and that making it sexual is a bad idea. Yet, they both kissed nonetheless. Sure, she'll suffer more professional repercussions, but he understands, implicitly at least, that he shouldn't have that sort of relationship with his

Yes, I think people understand professional boundaries, even if he was unaware of the specific ethical prohibition on Chandra kissing him.

He suffered as a result of their close relationship. He should have listened more to Stone and less to her. Never should have taken the stand.

She did all the witnesses and opened. Honestly, closing arguments aren't that important in most cases. The jury has usually made up its mind long before that point. So, she is one of the principal "heroes" of the show, although I think a primary theme of the show is that no one is actually heroic in the system.

I agree it's an issue they might face. But in my view, it would have been piled on top of all the other reasons not to call Naz.

So, the test doesn't matter, except when it helps you call something sexist?

I thought the kiss was much more believable than the drug smuggling. The former was a momentary lapse, instantly regretted. The former required a number of deliberate and very risky acts that I couldn't see someone like her taking.

I think it passes that test for whatever that's worth. Chandra and her boss have discussions about the case in a number of scenes. Chandra and the mom also have some talks. I guess they're all about Naz in some sense, but it's a show about his trial. I don't know what else they should be talking about.

The "feminist" criticism of this show would prefer that Chandra be hyper-competent, even though she's utterly inexperienced, and would rather that she not have developed a deep bond with Naz, even though they have many things in common (age, ethnicity, trial) that make a romantic relationship (or interest, at the very


I'm a lawyer too, and I agree with your husband.

You've obviously never seen Jingle All the Way.

The show depicts it as high profile. The press is highly interested, and I believe it was covered on the front page of the local NY papers. So much so that it caused a racial backlash, which led to the plea offer.

I'm no expert on prison. However, wouldn't Naz get special treatment b/c his case is high profile? I.e., the state couldn't have him getting beaten or baby oil napalmed given that it would turn the case from a slam dunk into a long series of questions about chaos in the prisons?

We know that he didn't kill her soberly because he was surprised when he found her body. That's about it. We don't know who actually did it or why.

Also, critic, please keep all negative thoughts about the hot lesbian subplot TO YOURSELF! I cannot emphasize this enough.

It was better, but the writing continues to be weak in spots. Exposition city.

Yeah, the feds aren't cool with drug use.

Will give this show a try because of the actors, but the pilot was a stinker. The dialogue was cringe-inducing.