
I DVR'd it, and stopped the show to channel surf basic cable reality TV several times because of the terrible dialogue. Ackerman's speech was one of the times I checked out. I also felt like the characters were way over-using the "f" word. I'm fine with cursing in shows if it's creative or funny or somehow conveys a

Nora left Mapleton and sold her old house because that town and that house represented her old life that up and vanished. She found something new and wanted to move on. That's a broad explanation for her move.

I think he's being honest. And, I think that shows that he learned something from the way Lost ended. In truth, there is no satisfying explanation to the question of why the island has mysterious properties (because there are no mystical, cancer healing, time traveling islands), just like there's no satisfying

A car chase scene inter-spliced with an assassination plot is boring to you? You realize that the assassination of the Japanese prince could start a world war? Is that boring too?

I wouldn't call a world dominated by a totalitarian state "peaceful"—really, it's the complete opposite, you and your loved one could be murdered by the state at any time for no reason—but I agree with most of your post. I also found myself compelled by Hitler's logic at the end there. Which is crazy. That actor

Yeah, the Eagles Nest was featured in the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers. I think it was captured by the 101st Airborne IRL. Calling it a cabin doesn't do it justice. As I recall, it had a wine cellar bigger than most people's houses.

The resistance gets useful intelligence when they deliver the tapes.

I can't believe people are complaining about the Quinn storyline. It's the best thing going on the show. I mean, he throat-punched a guy to death. Come on, people!!!

He paced around the stage and unsuccessfully crowd dived a lot more than he actually "sang." lol

Nope. Matt was bitten. So, it didn't raise any issues. I suspect Modell hasn't watched the other show or read the comics. As such, I have no idea why he's on this beat, but what else is new?

"Or is everybody on the planet somehow already infected?"

The reviewer doesn't seem to have watched TWD or read the comics, which I find to be astonishing. He also didn't notice that the Wire guy had been bitten.

good info thanks.

Yeah, the whole thing just strikes me as weird. Yonkers gets painted as this racist town, which it may well be, even though the federal and state governments signed off on their racism for many years, and then Yonkers actually got sued by the entity that underwrote all the discrimination. Seems wacky, but I suppose

ok, i'm just confused about how the federal government hands out money for decades to a city without knowing that it was going to discriminatory housing — not excusing Yonkers, but that's strange to me

Didn't the federal government sue Yonkers for a discriminatory scheme in which the federal government played a role? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but that seems to be the case.

The US government sued Yonkers for discrimination in federal court, no?

Your 1st Amendment point is a really good one. That was probably the ground on which that particular sanction was struck down.

I'm curious about the history now, when the "bad" projects were built and under what federal program.

So, the federal government just paid for the terrible housing project, but it doesn't hold any responsibility for its design or location? Not saying that Yonkers should get off the hook, but the federal government played a role in this too.