
It may have all been written, but stuff gets changed during shooting and in editing.

When you look at the sum of all the Audrey hints, they add up to more than accident. That they weren't tied together is annoying.

Audrey's drawings showed five different men having sex with the same women, hitting on a lot of the "five man" conspiracy theories. As others have noted, the last man had a mask or a beard or scarring at the bottom of his face. Like Errol.

Yeah, I really didn't see a problem with Marty's questions about her dress. I think the point, though, was that Marty had been an absent father for many years prior to then, and the damage was already done. Hence the clothing and sex with strangers.

Ok, that's a good explanation. I think Rust saw the old faded billboard of the girl who went missing years ago right before checking the files.

That wasn't a Tommy gun, but an AK-47 or some variant. Rust even referred to it as an "AK" in the board review following the "shoot out."

Sure, fear of retribution in the after-life motivates Christians (as does Jesus's example). My larger point, however, was that fear of retribution motivates everyone, and that makes us human—it's a survival instinct.

I read that too, but it strikes me as BS. I realize that he may have crafted a story around serial killings to make the larger questions about religion and human existence fit into a commercially viable package, but seriously, no one does a serial killer drama this good and doesn't have an interest in serial killers.

I agree that Christianity mostly looks to the example of Jesus to guide people's actions in life. The Old Testament is more about fire and brimstone.

I've always been told that pregnancy tests do not result in false positives, only false negatives. There is a hormone that the female body produces ONLY when pregnant for which the test is searching (or something like that).

I thought the new informant told Linden and Holder that PM found the victim in the alley, and she screamed bloody murder when she saw him.  I don't think she said that the victim got away from PM at that point.  That suggests to me that PM got her in the car (in an injured state) in the middle of the night, and then

PM was lying when he said his car was in the shop.  After Linden and Holder figured out he had a rental, the cops were looking for the car that was registered to PM.  It turned up at the train station.  But, we're not sure how it got there.  Maybe PM took it there to lure Linden, or maybe that's where he was "hiding"

So, at the end of the episode, Kallie's mother learns that her boyfriend Joe has Kallie's cell phone.  As Kallie's mom makes this discovery, we see Joe's outline appear in the background in a foreboding way.  Of course, this is all seen through the rain and a dirty motel window, and the drums that end every episode

(1) I don't find it hard to believe that prostitutes and drug addicts are reluctant to work with police. Where we have seen police succeed in gaining their cooperation, it only occurs once rapport is built (see, e.g., Holder and Bullet's relationship).  That is plausible.

Appreciate the response.  So, I thought the dead cow scene was just for atmosphere, foreshadowing, and parallel to the grave site Linden later found.  Was there something that led her to the cows?  I thought she just stumbled upon them on a run in the forest on that island where she was working.

Can someone explain why Linden never attempted to find the place depicted in Seward's son's drawing when she investigated this case in the first place?  I'm assuming that the locale depicted in the drawing was sufficiently generic that it could not be pinpointed, but you'd think the son's fixation on it would have led

Joan also didn't seem to realize that SCDP was on its way out with Jaguar anyway.  The fact that Roger blew off the dinner to chase a new client tells us that he knew it wasn't going well.

Shouldn't Joan be happy about the Jaguar situation?

I liked the episode, but had a similar feeling.  The merger seemed like a contrivance to get Peggy back into the fold and incorporate all the new characters from her firm into the main plot line.

Mrs. Gods Instant Pancakes, if you think that Mad Men is just a well-done soap opera, then don't wade hundreds and hundreds of comments deep into a discussion about the show.