
Only if you are into the salt water variety. I'm pro-domestic fresh water myself.

Dude - where do you get those?

I bet this game was RIFE with fundamentals!

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 1999. Wear Suncreen.

@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: True Story: I went Trick-Or-Treating at Don Mattingly's house. He came to the door, handed out a KING SIZE snickers and signed my 1988 Tops card, and said my costume (Indiana Jones) was, and a quote, "nice".

Remember "Undressed"? That made feel pretty inadequate as well.

Damn. America had a lot more balls back in the day...

Let's help him out guys - i mean - check out that price!

Ok - so they sullied NBA Jam, but if anyone messes with Revolution X i'll scream.

That's good hustle! Now let let's go get some fucking cats!

I'm Lovin' it!

with a spoon in them.

Let's get some goddam drinks!

Meh - I still think Don Mattingly was a better Yankee.


I love lamp.

The sox just need another big bat in their lineup.